The End Is Found In The Beginning: The Two You(s) Part 2 (Original Work)

Good Morning Monday....
Thank You Father for this NEW DAY!
Today,“(we will) trust in You Father with all (our) hearts and lean not on (our) own understanding; in all (our) ways (we will) acknowledge (You), and (You) shall direct (our) paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6). May we choose to follow our faith today! In Yeshua, Jesus Christ's Name. Amen!

  • The End Is Found In The Beginning: The Two You(s) Part 2

As we looked at the examples of Adam and Yeshua, Cain and Abel, Ishmael and Issac, and Esau and Jacob yesterday, we see a pattern emerge all pointing back to the beginning with Adam (man) and the fall of Adam (man). What was needed to redeem Adam (man) from this "fall" and Adam (man) having become a murderer? A Savior, A Redeemer, A Second Adam, Yeshua, Jesus Christ. Let's take a look at this in Scripture:
“And so it is written, “The first man Adam became a living being.” The last Adam became a life-giving spirit.”
‭‭I Corinthians‬ ‭15:45‬ ‭

“The first man was of the earth, made of dust; the second Man is the Lord from heaven.”
‭‭I Corinthians‬ ‭15:47‬

“Therefore, as through one man’s offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man’s righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life. For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man’s obedience many will be made righteous.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭5:18-19‬ ‭

This clears up a lot of Paul's writings about "The One New Man," right? As believers and followers of Christ we are not to be "double-minded" or worldly. We are not to be good and evil. We are to be "single-minded" in Yeshua Our Messiah, doing good, serving, and encouraging our fellow Brothers and Sisters, not leading them into sin and murdering them.

Can you see The Two You(s)? We are all "born into sin" and learn the "ways of the world," but after learning The Truth, given "ears to hear and eyes to see" we are "transformed," "born again," and we shed the "heavy yoke" of death in favor of Our Savior's "Light Yoke" of Life and Peace. This helps us to understand the "born again" passage that Nicodemus didn't understand. Yeshua even told Nicodemus, you should know this, you are a teacher of My Father's Instructions!

God's Word Tells Us We Must Be Reborn. We are the first Adam when we are born into this world. We become The Second Adam when we choose The Truth, The Way, The Life, and are "reborn" into Yeshua, Jesus Christ Our Savior.

If we look up "Adam" in The Scriptures, we can see the definition is also "Mankind." Reread the last paragraph with this in mind.

Adam means man in Scripture, but it also means mankind. What an unbelievably wonderful message to each of us, individually (man), as well as, to us as a group, the entire world (mankind). Our Father and His Son Speaks To Each Of Us Individually And Each Of Us Personally! HalleluYah! What A Wise, Kind, Merciful, and Loving Father! He Knew We Would Need "Group Teaching" As Well As "Personal Instruction." The Coolest Thing About That? He Came Down And Did The Teaching Himself. Talk about a MIGHTY GOD And A Mighty MAN!

An old Indian proverb about two wolves inside us is a "first man" kind of adam-story (man-story). Thankfully, God Our Father In Heaven, Gives Us His "Second Man" God-Story, The Word of God, Yeshua, Jesus Christ, His Proverbs, His Parables, His Foreshadowing, and Grander Explanations To Life's Mysteries.

In our lives, we will all have a choice at some point to choose which of the two "You(s)" we will be. We can be a Shepherd to Our Brothers and Sisters, or a murderer. We can choose the world or The Savior. Answering the question posed in the beginning of "Part 1" about "Isn't their somewhere in the middle?"... not really. I mean, there is, but this is what Our Savior tells us will happen to those who sit on the fence:

“So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.”
‭‭Revelation‬ ‭3:16‬

That's Scary!... but True. Our God Is An All Consuming Fire... Hot. Cold is just a word to describe "absence of heat"... no fire. Will we be destined to be Hot like Our Father and be a Shepherd? Or cold like the enemy, with no fire or heat in him, dead, lifeless, destined to be a murderer, and die?

The Good News, or Gospel, is that Yeshua Jesus Christ came as "The Second Man," or "Last Adam," to redeem and save us all. If we want to get "hot" we need only begin to seek God's Word, His Son Yeshua, Jesus The Christ. Once we grab ahold of the "Smoking Oven" and "Burning Torch," we can't help but to heat up!
Join us tomorrow for Part 3 and the conclusion of "The Two You(s)."

Love you all and God Bless!

The Second Adam AKA The Smoking Oven and The Burning Torch AKA The Word of God:

“And it came to pass, when the sun went down and it was dark, that behold, there appeared a smoking oven and a burning torch that passed between those pieces.”
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭15:17‬ ‭

A copy of this devotion, pictures with verses, and other encouragement for sharing, is available at:

Thank You and Yahweh Yeshua Ha'Mashiach, God Our Father and His Son Jesus Christ, Bless You!

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