The strongest balm that heals relationship is love. Without love, forgiveness becomes a big task. Love helps us to overlook offences and to follow peace with all men. The fact that all men and women must interrelate naturally makes frictions unavoidable from time to time.
However, every friction should not lead to a "disconnection."
"Disagree, don't be disconnected"


A wise man once said "we all have the responsibility to build bridges rather than build dams during crisis. A bridge will serve to reconnect while a dam will ensure further separation."
Love is a bridge builder.

The oil of love lubricates the wheel of sound relationship. Everything in life is a function of good relationship. From business at personal level to business deals in international trade, someone has to establish a relationship with another person in order to facilitate trade, and commerce. Employers get more from employees who are motivated by love and not treated like ordinary machines.

Where there is love, errors are easily forgiven and overlooked so that there will be no clog in the wheel of progress. Are you involved in a damaged relationship? Try and reach across to the other party in love. It does not mean you are weak. It only shows that you are wise and godly.
Jesus Christ came to heal our wounded relationship with God at a great cost. Love is a healer.

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