HAVE FAITH...TRUST GOD...don't magnify your problems

Every Christian must have used the word "FAITH" on more than one occasion. Infact it is by Faith that we say we're Christians. It is by faith that we believe we're saved. It is by faith that we believe in Jesus Christ.

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Just for the sake of clarity.

Faith is the assurance if things to come and the evidence if things not yet seen.

Following that statement, Christians have a wonderful life ahead of them but most of them do not live that life.

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This is something that I have been pondering on for a long time now. Particularly when it comes to the place of prayer.

It is written in the Bible that

It is by faith that we call forth things that be not as though they were.

This means faith is very important in our prayer.

Whilst Christians read this every day, they have not been able to reconcile their prayers with the faith that is spoken of in the Bible.

I still see Christians praying long, very long hours for issues that require just a sentence spoken in faith. Instead of acknowledging the power of the Almighty God (Jehovah) over all situations, they are busy praying about situations that are pebbles ad though they were mountains.

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They pray repetitively as though God were deaf. They pray without convictions and worry when it is still not yet God's time.

It is written in the Bible

That they pray as though they would be heard by their many words.

Trust in the God that said not to worry about tomorrow.

Take the authority you have by reason of your faith in Jesus Christ.

See mountains as pebbles.

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Pray with the believe that you have been heard.

Thank you for reading this.

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