"The Blind Man..." - Daily Word #90

Today, is Day 2 of the 3 Stories of Healing... about the The Blind Man at Siloam Pool.

We catch this story in John 9:6-7 (NIV)

After saying this, he spit on the ground, made some mud with the saliva, and put it on the man’s eyes. “Go,” he told him, “wash in the Pool of Siloam” (this word means “Sent”). Source


So the man went and washed, and came home seeing Source


Once again there are so Gems in this Passage of Scripture. Here are just 5 Insights;

1- Our challenges are often there to Reveal the Mighty Work of the Lord
Do we complain about our lot in life, our version of this man's blindness, a different disability perhaps. Or do we rejoice that our challenges may be an opportunity for God's Glory to be revealed in and through our life.

2- Each of us have our portion of Work that Must Be Accomplished by us
Jesus said in verses above this, that "As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. That also means we all have our different areas of Work that have to be carried out by us, to reach our part of the community or nation!

3- The Ways of the Lord is unconventional and goes against the grain of the world
One moment, Jesus touches, other times He just declares. In this story, he took mud and spit into it and applied it onto the man's eyes (as seen in the picture above). Let's not put God in a little box. He is a BIG BIG God!

4- We need to Obey the Lord and Wash in the Pool of Siloam
There is much significance why Jesus mentioned Siloam. It is the only source of Fresh Water within the walls of ancient Jerusalem. And Jesus symbolizes this act to become the Spring of Living Water that comes to not just Refresh but brings Cleansing to All!

5- He could finally Go Home Seeing!
The Bible mentioned that many DID NOT RECOGNIZE the man after he had his sight. The Lord did a REAL Transformation where He did not just heal him physically, but he CHANGED him from the Inside Out.

The Lord desires for people to be like the "Blind Man" who can only get what he desired from GOD! Will you humbly and obediently come to Him today?

He wants to restore your Sight and give you a New Vision of your Purpose and Call for your Work ahead. Amen!!!

One more "Healing Story" tomorrow.

Blessings & Shalom.



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