"One Thing..." - Daily Word #84

What is the One Thing in your life that is most important to you?

  • Is it your family?
  • Is it your health?
  • Is it your finances?
  • Is it your standing in society?
  • Or perhaps, it is your safety from calamities, evil or harm?


In the midst of David's trying circumstances, he cried out to the Lord in this Psalm 27. Yes, his enemies were coming after him, but he chose not be fearful.

One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple. Source

What an amazing confidence that he showed. What an amazing example he demonstrated.

Perhaps when you and I are down to our last hope, nothing in the world actually matters. It came down to that for David. And he chose well.

If you are a Believer today, I want to encourage you to just FOCUS on the One Most Important thing, our Relationship with the Lord.

David mentions "3 Keys" to that One Thing:


KEY #1 - DWELL Living, Staying Close to His Presence, In His House, where we are not visitors but a heirs, children of that Home. KEY #2 - GAZE Keeping our Eyes fixed on our Father. Not on all of our circumstances, challenges or complains in life. KEY #3 - SEEK We can live at Home but feel distant from the Father. And hence, we are to draw near, to seek Him, as He desires to Fellowship with us. He is waiting for us with His Arms open wide.

Will you be like David and Seek for that One Thing...today?
Over to you.

Blessings & Shalom.



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