"Complete Rest.." - Daily Word #83

In the Book of Hebrews 4:11, ESV it reads...

"Let us therefore strive to enter that rest, so that no one may fall by the same sort of disobedience." Source

The Greek word spoudasōmen, means to "strive, labor, or effort." God never intended us to be locked up in the Law to all the "have-tos". And yet, the fall of the People of God in the Old Testament was due to their disobedience when they failed to complete their God given works.

And yet, God never intended us to just REST and Be Lazy with all that we are supposed to do. The REST that God indicated for us to enter is a different version of it, than the world is leading us towards.

God Himself only rested from His creative work when it was COMPLETE! When He made Creation, it took Him 6 Days and the 7th Day He Rested.

What does that mean to you and me?

If we want to enter or claim our inheritance to His REST, we too must COMPLETE the works that GOD has called us to. We need to hold fast to our Faith, and not succumb to doubt, disbelief and disobedience.

In simple terms, if God called you to do something or to help someone, we must heed His Call and Go Do It, even if it causes us some inconveniences.

Only when we are diligent, and not careless about the things of God, can we expect the bountiful blessings that comes from obeying His Word and His Purpose for our lives.


3 Extra Steps to Helping you Find REST...

Step #1: Commit to reading His Word
After all, His Word is His Promises. It is also Life and Jesus Himself! When we commune with Him, we actually draw upon the very nature of God that is living in and through us. Getting acquainted with His Word, is similar to getting to know Him better. Our Rest is found in His Word and Presence.

Step #2: Remember what He has already done
It is important to acknowledge the Faithfulness of God as he has done so many great and mighty things in your life. Setting up milestones in your life, are like stones of remembrance enforced in your gratitude memory that you can turn to in times of hardship, trials or challenges. Our Rest is but a short distance away.

Step #3: Check and see what you are Carrying
Sometimes we carry more than we can handle. Unnecessary worry, additional baggages, stresses of our modern life, unforgiveness, resentment, expectations of others and so much more. Just like the People of God, they could not enter the New Land with their Old and Unbelieving Hearts and Minds. Similarly, we cannot go on putting on more Work (being just Busy-Busy-Busy and even for the Ministry) than God ever intended us to do. Our Rest begins when we let go of our weights of despair.

Don't wait any longer... Enter into His Complete Rest today!
Over to you.

Blessings & Shalom.



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