Lessons from Jonah 6

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Jonah 3:1-3 (MSG)
1 Next, GOD spoke to Jonah a second time:
2 "Up on your feet and on your way to the big city of Nineveh! Preach to them. They're in a bad way and I can't ignore it any longer. "
3 This time Jonah started off straight for Nineveh, obeying GOD's orders to the letter. Nineveh was a big city, very big--it took three days to walk across it.

Summary of Jonah Chapter 3

  • The fish is ordered by God to vomit Jonah on the sea shore.
  • God tells Jonah to go preach to Nineveh as He had instructed him before.
  • Jonah obeys and storms the city with his message from God.
  • He tells them in 40days their city would be run down because of their evil.
  • The people and their king believe that what Jonah is saying is truly a message from God.
  • Led by the king, the entire populace goes on a 3 days fast to turn their hearts to God and ask Him for mercy.
  • They make radical amends to their way of life.
  • God sees their genuine repentance and change of attitude. As a result, He stays judgment from coming on their city.

The following are very important take home lessons I want to leave you with in this post.

1. God Sticks with His Plan.

Isn't it just amazing that God gave Jonah the same instructions he was given before? You see, God has a plan and He isn't confused about what He wants done.

When we get confused or frightened by the assignment and run away as a result, the plan is still the same when we repent and return.

Just because we freak out, discard the plan and run away doesn't mean that God also discards His plan and runs away.

God sticks with His plan and assignment for your life. What He said before is still what He's saying now.

Many times there are no new (that is, different) instructions until the previous instructions have been carried out.

What did God ask you to do? Where did God send you? God sticks with His plan.

2. There's no Telling What God Can do with a Yielded Life.

Who says a city wide turn around is not possible?

Who says your impact cannot revolutionize what has been the known culture?

The work of one man who is sent by God can cause a radical change in a whole city or in an entire nation.

A person who's fully surrendered to God's purpose is a sharp instrument of harvest in God's hands.

See what happened when Jonah yielded. Your life generates more impact when you yield completely to that which God has separated you for.

What has God made you to accomplish? What is that thing He told you to do?

Your lifestyle greatest impact comes from doing what God told you to do.

3. When Jonah Yielded to What God Said, the People Yielded to What He Said

When Jonah yielded to God's message, the people yielded to his message.

This is very instructive. The revival starts with you, the minister.

People will be fully surrendered to God without reservation under the ministry of a man who's fully surrendered to God without reservation.

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