
Every child of God should desire to be more prophetic. As a believer you will lose many things in life if your "prophetic senses" are dull.

We should not be left in the dark like other people of the world. Jesus said the Holy Spirit will show us things to come. That means we can enjoy privileged information.

Many times the Holy Spirit is doing His best to send us messages and make he aware of stuff before hand.

Here are things He reveals to us for our personal benefit and there are other things He reveals to us so we can relay warnings or instructions to others.

Prophecy is supposed to be common place among believers.

The scripture says in 2 Peter 1:21 that "...holy men of God spoke as they were MOVED by the Holy Spirit."

It's so hard for the Spirit of God to move some people. They just wouldn't let Him move them.

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He tries but they just wouldn't be moved. Yet they want to be prophetic. They want to hear and relay up to date pieces of information from the Holy Spirit but they resist the moving of the Spirit.

I wish they'd know that the more "movable" one is, the more prophetic they become.

That's why the Bible says God reveals His secrets to HIS SERVANTS, the prophets (Amos 3:7).

I know you like the prophet part of this verse in Amos 3:7 but what about the servant part?

Notice this: God doesn't reveal His secrets to the prophets. No, He reveals His secrets to His servants.

Men call these servants of His the prophets.

God first knows them as His servants before men know them as God's prophets.

So, to be more prophetic than you've ever been, allow the Holy Spirit move you whenever He pleases, wherever He pleases and however He pleases.

God reveals His secrets to His servants the prophets and they all spoke as they were moved by the Spirit.

You're only as prophetic as you can yield to the movings of God's Spirit.

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