[14th December Devotional 靈修 📖] 🌟 事神作王 Treat God as the Almighty King

It's the time of the day when you need to calm your heart and talk to God. What is God's image in your eyes? Is He like a kind Father or is He more like your friend? You should treat him like a KING!


Let's read Revelation 22:3-5 New International Version (NIV)

3 No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will serve him. 4 They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads. 5 There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign for ever and ever.

先閱讀啟示錄 22:3-5

3 以 後 再 沒 有 咒 詛 ; 在 城 裡 有 神 和 羔 羊 的 寶 座 ; 他 的 僕 人 都 要 事 奉 他 ,
4 也 要 見 他 的 面 。 他 的 名 字 必 寫 在 他 們 的 額 上 。
5 不 再 有 黑 夜 ; 他 們 也 不 用 燈 光 、 日 光 , 因 為 主 神 要 光 照 他 們 。 他 們 要 作 王 , 直 到 永 永 遠 遠 。

Devotional Passage 靈修分享

In this life, you may feel many things have inequality exist. Many have chances to work for God, some got much less chance. Some with a lot of knowledge, blessings, environment, work position, money, that can fully work for God; yet some don't have any of these criteria.In the old times, the slaves don't even have their personal freedom, can you complain to God that this is unfair? No. You cannot, God will reward everyone with their respective behaviour (Romans 2:6,11). When He gives someone a lot, He will take equivalently. (Luke 12:48). The poor widow may seems to have little, but in God's eyes she is worth being rewarded. The praises she gained is equivalent to the riches (Luke 21:1-4)

The real position, work, authority, glory belongs to the infinity; so in our current life, we should serve God humbly, be His servant. Even if you are loyal in little things (Matthew 25:21; Luke 19:17), just exert your best effort (Mark 14:8). Never complain whether your chances to work for God is big or small.

今生有很多的事情都不是均等的、差別很大,有人有很多機會為神工作,有人卻機會很少,有人有許多知識、恩賜、好的環境、地位、金錢,可以為神用;有人卻沒有適當條件,像古時的奴僕,甚至人身自由都沒有,這難道是神不公平嗎? 不是的,神不偏待人,他必照各人的行為報應各人(羅2:6,11),多給誰就向誰多取,多托誰,就向誰多要(路12:48)。那個窮寡婦所有的是太少了,但在神面前蒙悅納,得稱讚的機會與那些財主是均等的(路21:1-4)。


Prayer 禱告

Dear Heavenly Father, it is a blessing for us to be used by you in any circumstances. We should be grateful to serve you as you are the King. We anticipate the arrival of your Kingdom in the future. May the Glory be yours. Amen!


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