Scripture verse
And he said, My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest.
Exodus33:14 (KJV)

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The thirty-third chapter of the book of Exodus presents a very interesting conversation between God and Moses. God promises to send His angel to go before the children of Israel to smite their enemies before them. However, Moses politely declines and requests the presence of God.

Why? Because the presence of God gives rest. Rest is a product of the very presence of God(Exodus 33:14). The people who carry God’s presence are those who get rest. Moses is one of such people we read about. When Moses entered the tabernacle,God’s presence came down automatically (Exodus 33:9).

The question now is, what qualifies someone for the presence of God?Holiness!. Until you are holy enough,God does not step into your space. For the Bible says,God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all (1 John 1:5). Holiness attracts the presence of God. No wonder God told Moses He would not be present in person because the children of Israel were stiffnecked. He would however allow His angel to represent Him. This is because angels can demonstrate the power of God but cannot demonstrate His presence.

God was prepared to demonstrate His power among them, but not His presence. That is the difference between the help of angels and the very presence of God. Angels can only act on instructions. However, when God’s presence comes, you have a one stop shop, He brings rest.

The pursuit of Holiness culminates in God's presence. This is the only way to get God's rest. Open up your heart today and ask for grace from God to be holy. Purpose to be holy, and rest shall come from His presence.

Hope you learnt something new today.

God bless us

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