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Scripture readings
[30]Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me.
John 14:30

The story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden gives a first hand account of how sin can change one's life from grace to grass.
God formed man, Adam, out of the dust of the earth according to His image and likeness. He then breathed His breath into Him. Adam was God's choicest creation, he talked with Him in the garden as they had long walks. Eve was a beautiful addition to God's creation and God delighted in them both.
Bible says they were naked and not ashamed.
Then came the serpent, the cunning evil one who knew even then that sin was the way to separate God and his creation.

After temptation, came disobedience, and immediately, Adam and Eve knew something within had changed. Something had gone wrong.

Gen 3:7-8 says that their eyes were opened and they realised they were naked, they were ashamed. A connection had been broken. As the Lord came to walk with them in the garden as usual, this time they couldn't bear to show their faces to Him. They hid from Him.

​Sin has always played a huge role in separating God's creation from Him.The book of Revelations talks about the accuser of the brethren who stands before the throne day and night, pointing out our mistakes. His aim is to make sure we lose our spiritual connection with God and our access to His throne room.

But there is a quiet confidence that comes into our spirit, when we know we are in right standing with God. >Jesus said in John 14:30 " ​...for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me."​ When we remain holy we become strong spiritually and sure footed in our Christian walk.

During prayer, worship and fellowship time with God, holiness makes us free to lift our hands and express our heart without restriction.
We are confident He is still with us, even when we can't see Him and assured we will be with Him in eternity if He comes today.

How confident are you in His second coming?​
Will you be found wanting or you will be ready to stand before His Judgement seat, blameless?​

God bless us

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