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Scripture verse
[10]Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
Ephesians 6:10

In the Scripture above, the use of the word ' Finally' connoted the magnitude of the message Paul wanted to send across to the Ephesians and the sum of what he wanted them to understand.
Considering all that He had to suffer for the sake of Christ, a message like this coming from a man like Paul carries so much weight.

Strength can be assessed in different ways under various criteria and standards. Generally by nature and design, God created men to be stronger than women physically. Even by considering their physical make up, men have bigger, tougher muscles to enable them handle heavier and riskier jobs .
But then even among men, some are stronger than others.

As humans we tend to assess how strong a person is by just looking at his appearance but we forget that looks can be very deceptive. There have been situations where smaller or non muscular men surprised people with the kind of jobs they could do and the weights they could carry.
Not everyone's strength is on the outside but is hidden on the inside.

Paul's message here was to admonish believers to possess an inner strength.

Mark Twain the famous writer once said , "it is not about the size of the dog in a fight but the size of the fight in the dog." It is about what one carries on the inside and not necessarily how one appears on the outside

When the bible tells us to be strong in the Lord, He is referring to a strength that does not depend on your size, your muscles or gender but that comes from within you.

This inner strength distinguishes us from the world and makes us overcomers. There will definitely be times when your faith is knocked about by the blows of life, but like Paul be encouraged.

Find your strength in the Lord and don't let go.


Father, I'm grateful for your strength that is available to me to become an overcomer. I refuse to give up no matter what the devil may do. In Jesus' name. Amen.

God bless us

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