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Thoughts on Dating

So for the last week, I have been working with my Pastor doing painting jobs. He is only the interim Pastor of our Church and he has a business on the side doing Handyman services. He needed someone to help him and we work well together. It's a good match.

So Friday, we went to a diner for lunch and there was a waitress there that was pretty cute. I was kind of flirting with her and my Pastor asked me if I was going to ask her for her number. I told him no and he looked puzzled so I explained why.


It's not that easy.

I explained to my Pastor that for me being in recovery makes it very hard to just ask for someone's number, no matter how cute I think they are.

First off, I don't have my drivers license, how exactly do I do that one? "Hey, want to go out to dinner? Oh, by the way, you have to pick me up..." Right away I am in a bad position. The next question is inevitably, "Why don't you have your license?" Right away I am stuck explaining a bunch of stuff that is bound to drive a new love interest away.

About that drink...

Another thing that always comes up is the "Let's go get a drink" routine. It seems that in this country if you don't drink there must be something wrong with you. Now it could be argued that there is something wrong with me that makes it to where I can't drink successfully, but at this point, it is more of just a choice I make.

There always seems to be the question of going out to get a drink, and again, I have to explain that I don't drink and then the questions come as to why. Again, I am stuck explaining things that I really don't want to right away.

So I guess I will stay single...

It is strange really, when I was drinking and getting high, I had no shortage of female interest, but now that I am clean and sober, nothing. I guess when you aren't buying all the drinks and drugs, you get judged on what you are really.

Maybe I am just not that good of a guy, or maybe I just need to be patient and see what happens. God has looked out for me pretty good so far.

As always, thank you and God Bless!

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