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Is the existence of God a fallacy? - Original article

Good evening (Venezuelan time) Christian friends, agnostics, atheists and I do not know that other new things have come out. I had a lot of time that I did not publish on these issues but here we are.

I have participated in many debates, on many subjects, but today I particularly want to touch the debates on religion. Please read through to the end.

We all close to the truths.

In all debates there are truths that are not taken into account, both parties speak truths as well as fallacies, but do not take the time to think if they are really right, this leads to a debate empty, aimless, without end, in where both sides end at the same point of departure, in other words, no one will give his arm to twist.

In this type of debates euphemisms are often said, that is to say, they are insulted in a disguised or "intellectual" form. But unfortunately it is not taken to a middle ground and we consider truths not so true or relative truths

Relativism is a virus that is destroying society, what we considered good or true, today is no longer.


This is the great debate between Atheists and Christians: if God exists because they violate children? If God exists because He does not stop Hurricane Irma, José and Katia, if God exists, why is there so much evil? among others...

Others have already passed this stage and go to a more scientific point: Earth is more years than the Bible says it has, God has no scientific basis, so I do not believe, Darwin's Theory of Evolution is the most successful the truth, God is but an invention of man to earn money based on the hope of fools.

I believe that no one denies God, but one who agrees that God does not exist.

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