Behold a Black Horse.jpg

Rev 6:5 And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.
Rev 6:6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.

According to the Book of Revelation, a time of great economic turmoil will occur just prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ. Most Bible scholars agree that the black horse represents economic troubles, scarcity of food, and famine, because the rider on the black horse holds a “pair of balances” in his hand. Most ancient markets used balances to weigh the amount of “gold” or “silver” required to pay the agreed upon value of the product being sold.

Pro 11:1 A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight.

A voice in the Book of Revelation declares to John the Apostle that a measure of wheat is obtained for a “penny”, and three measures of barley is obtained for a “penny”. The “measure” of wheat was the Greek word “choinix”; a dry measure similar to a “quart” and a measure of wheat was apparently just enough for an adult man to survive on for a day. Most people will actually be willing to WORK FOR FOOD in the future.

MEASURE: G5518, choinix, khoy'-nix
Of uncertain derivation; a chaenix or certain dry measure: - measure.
The word interpreted as “penny” in the Book of Revelation is DENARIUS in Greek.

PENNY: G1220, dēnarion, day-nar'-ee-on
Of Latin origin; a denarius (or ten asses): - pence, penny [-worth].

The DENARIUS was a Roman coin of a specific weight of “silver” very similar to the old pre-1965 “silver” United States dimes. SEE THE PICTURE ABOVE THIS ARTICLE. The Roman denarius appears smaller than the dime because it was slightly thicker and it was close to “pure” silver. Therefore, ten (10) denarii adds up to one (1) troy ounce of silver, while the dime is mixed with other metals and therefore ten (10) silver dimes adds up to only 0.723 troy ounces of silver. So it requires fourteen (14) silver dimes to make one (1) ounce of silver.


DENARIUS = The silver content of the denarius under the Roman Empire was about 50 grains, or 1⁄10 troy ounce. (A Roman soldier was paid 300 denarii per year).

SILVER DIME = 37 grains and two-sixteenths parts of a grain of pure silver.

I believe the Book of Revelation is giving us all a clue on how we may partially prepare for this approaching time of financial turmoil.

A silver penny (DENARIUS) was approximately the wages for one (1) day’s labor in ancient times. I believe it will also be the standard wages for one (1) day’s labor, for most of the world, just prior to the end times.

We can see the value of a penny (DENARIUS) by one of Jesus’ parables.

Mat 20:1 For the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder, which went out early in the morning to hire labourers into his vineyard.
Mat 20:2 And when he had agreed with the labourers for a penny (DENARIUS) a day, he sent them into his vineyard.

Therefore, we can see from the above parable that 1/10 of a troy ounce of silver (DENARIUS) was considered a fair day’s pay for one day of work. As of today, you can purchase a pre-1965 silver dime for approximately $2.00. Actually, about a quarter of the world’s population already works for less than $2.00 a day. I believe the percentage of the world’s population who will be willing to work for the value of approximately 1/10 of a troy ounce of silver will rise dramatically in the not too distant future. Mainly because I believe the silver price is going to rise dramatically in dollar terms from its current extremely low price for the following reasons:

First, the price of silver is extremely under valued at this time in history. As I write this article, silver is priced at approximately $15.00 per ounce. This price per ounce is at or below the cost of mining silver; therefore, the companies that are mining silver today are losing money! How long can that last?

Second, there is actually more gold stock piles than silver stock piles in the world. Silver is rapidly being used up to build our modern high-tech society…silver is needed to make flat screen televisions, computers, cell phones, etc., etc., it is required in nearly all high tech electronics. Therefore, silver is being used up by our modern high-tech infrastructure faster than it is being mined.

Third, the silver to gold ratio in the earth’s crust is probably closer to 17 ounces of silver per every 1 ounce of gold, but at this time in history it takes about 80 ounces of silver to purchase 1 ounce of gold. The current gold to silver dollar ratio price is $1200/$15 or an 80 to 1 ratio which is seriously out of balance. Throughout thousands of years of recorded history the value of silver has actually been closer to a 15 to 1 historical ratio. Silver is seriously undervalued!

This article is NOT investment advice, it is “survival” advice. I would strongly advise that you NEVER sell your silver for paper currency. I believe that someday in the future ALL paper currencies on earth will be worth exactly zero ($0.00).

Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value: zero - Voltaire

Between the timing of all of the national paper currencies collapsing in value to zero and the implementation of the mark of the beast system there will be a time of great upheaval in the national economies around the world. It may last only a few months or it may last a few years. Any economic activity after the collapse will either be mainly a “barter” economy or it will consist of purchasing goods and services with gold and silver…if you have any. I believe silver could even reach a ratio of one (1) ounce of silver for one (1) ounce of gold. This provide a small window of opportunity to escape the Babylonian financial system and begin forming self-sustaining “Christian” communities.

Eventually, ALL world governments will want to confiscate ALL silver. I imagine people who own silver will be offered some type of “credit” in exchange for their silver and they will be offered the “mark of the beast” in order to access their credits. Silver is much too important as a strategic metal both technologically and most important of all… militarily, to allow ordinary people to own it! Our modern technological system simply cannot operate without silver.

I believe the Beast system will consist of a small number of “elites” located in “elite enclaves”, who will have access to silver and advanced technology, and everyone else in the world, WITHOUT access to silver and advanced technology, will be living a very precarious hand to mouth existence.

Frankly, the elites believe that ninety (90%) percent of the world’s population needs to be eliminated. I will speak more about that in a future article.

So how do you purchase silver and silver coins?

The easiest, safest, and most convenient way to purchase silver and silver coins is to simply go to a coin shop. Coin shops are located in most large and medium sized towns in the United States. There is a simple way to determine how much you should pay for silver and silver coins.

First, go on line and find out the SPOT PRICE of silver. Today, the spot price of silver is $14.72 per ounce. Then multiply the “spot price” by the number of ounces of silver you want to buy. (Ex. $14.72 x 10 ounces of silver = $147.20) The SPOT PRICE will change during weekdays, that is why I prefer to purchase silver on a Saturday.

Then you need to ask the coin dealer the PREMIUM they charge over the spot price. The PREMIUM is the amount coin dealers charge over the spot price in order to make a profit. Some coin dealers will have it posted someplace in their shop. Often times, the PREMIUM amount will change depending upon the supply and demand of silver. Also, the PREMIUM amount can change depending upon how much silver you intend to purchase, you can negotiate with the coin dealer. I do not mind a PREMIUM of about 5% of the purchase price but when it moves towards 10% of the purchase price, I look for another dealer.

You can determine the amount of silver content in pre-1965 silver coins with this mathematical formula:


As you can see, silver dollars (.77 ounces of silver per $1.00) contain slightly more silver content than dimes, quarters, and halve dollars (.723 ounces of silver per $1.00).

Let’s do a simple silver content calculation:
I decide to buy one (1) silver dollar, two (2) silver half dollars, three (3) silver quarters, and six (6) silver dimes.
First, separate the half dollars, quarters, and dimes from the silver dollar:
2 half dollars = $1.00 and 3 quarters = $0.75 and 6 dimes = $0.60…add them all together and we get $1.00 + $0.75 + $0.60 = $2.35. Next multiply $2.35 by (.723 ounces of silver) = 1.699 ounces of silver.
One silver dollar contains (.77 ounces of silver). Therefore, 1.699 ounces + 0.77 ounces = 2.47 ounces of silver.
2.47 ounces x SPOT PRICE ($14.72) = $36.35 + PREMIUM ($1.82) = $38.17

You can use the same method of calculation to buy silver from on-line dealers or on ebay. However, you will probably need to pay for shipping. MAKE SURE THEY ARE LEGITIMATE!

Finally, if you want to buy a lot of silver and avoid paying the premium, you might place an advertisement in craigslist and say you are interested in buying silver coins for spot price. DON’T TELL SELLERS WHERE YOU LIVE! MEET THEM, AND MAKE YOUR PURCHASE, IN A PUBLIC PLACE…LIKE A FAST FOOD RESTAURANT.

In conclusion, you will NOT be able to prepare for the great tribulation or the terrible times leading up to the great tribulation without some leading from God. If you ask Him, HE WILL LEAD YOU!
Owning silver and gold is Biblical.

Exo 12:35 And the children of Israel did according to the word of Moses; and they borrowed of the Egyptians jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, and raiment:
Exo 12:36 And the LORD gave the people favour in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they lent unto them such things as they required. And they spoiled the Egyptians.

I find it interesting that the LORD told the children of Israel to borrow silver and gold from the Egyptian. Could this be an allegory for these last days?

SPOILED: H5337, nâtsal, naw-tsal'
A primitive root; to snatch away, whether in a good or a bad sense: - X at all, defend, deliver (self), escape, X without fail, part, pluck, preserve, recover, rescue, rid, save, spoil, strip, X surely, take (out).

The Bible says the children of Israel SPOILED or “stripped” the Egyptian’s of their silver and gold before they left Egypt.
If you can purchase a “silver” dime for less than $2.00 of PAPER Federal Reserve Notes, it is like stealing candy from a baby…or silver from an Egyptian!

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