"Hope deffered maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh , it is a tree of life. " - Proverbs 13:12


A delayed promise is a threat to life. When you hope for something and your desire is not granted at the expected time, it can lead to untimely death. The greatest embarrassment in the life of a believer is unanswered prayer. Little wonder the text says 'hope delayed maketh the heart sick'. Unanswered prayers are not only embarrassing but sickening to the soul of a Christian. How can you be praying for others for the fruit of the womb and you are barren? Unanswered prayers are major sources of discouragement in the church.

When your prayer is not answered, it is not an implication that God does not know what you are going through. The book if Exodus 3:7 says that 'And the Lord said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows'. Every problem in a believer's life is an 'Egypt', ruled by a 'taskmaster'.

If God does not answer your prayer at a particular time or give you a particular thing you asked for, it doesn't in any way mean that God does not care neither is He a wicked father. No! It only means that you don't need that thing at that particular time. God knows better. He knows that that thing you have asked for will not benefit you at that instance. Instead, it may turn out to put your life in danger. You need to trust God's judgement.

On the other way round, when you pray and it seems as though the answer and solution is not forth coming. Don't relent in praying instead pray even more. Remember the God says you should pray without ceasing; pray constantly. Certainly, God will hear your cries someday.

P. U. S. H - Pray Until Something Happens!!

Sometimes, it seems as if we have forgotten that "all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose". You need to develop the mindset of constantly knowing that God is always with you. Don't be discouraged, God will respond to all your appeals. What is that thing God promised you? All you need to do in order to achieve it is to locate His word concerning it. Visualize having it. Meditate on it and keep speaking it. I can assure you that in no distant time, He will deliver it into your hands and your life will be perfectly restored.

With a positive mindset, your promise will manifest. Create a picture of what you want, meditate on it and constantly speak about it.


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