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A morning full of dreams and aspiration to you fellow steemians!

How's life? We'll i am hoping for your best condition in all aspects of life at this moment. However, if you don't really feel good and you're loaing hopes, don't worry, God is our great help in times of need.

This morning I wanted to share to you a post full of hopes- hopes of entertaining greater possibilities of God's Bigger and Brighter Plans for all of us.

In the book of Jeremiah 29:11, God said, For I know the plans I have for you, plans not to harm you but to prosper you, to give you hope and a future. Isn't it comforting that our one true God has promised us to handle our future in His mighty hands, is it? However, due to human nature, keeping worries in our troubled minds is inevitable. Personally, I can't deny th fact, that there are instances that worries take over my chaotic mind of the things I should do and should have done with all the struggles I am facing. I let my troubled mind to reign over my faith thus the more I get confused, the more my faith weakens.

But that should not be the right to do, right? As a believer of God, I was grown up by a family whose faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ portrays the essense of having God working miracously in our lives. Nevertheless, due to certain circumstances I forgot to practice the
habit of spending quality time to My Savior, through praying, meditating on His words and worshipping Him wholeheartedly.

These phenomena reminds me of how weak I am and how my spititual aspects is gradually deteriorating. I need to stop it, because God had sacrificed Himself on the cross of calvary on my behalf, to save me and show me His unconditional love for me.

Going back to to the verse in Jeremiah 29:11, personally struggles are trying to test my faith on Jesus, problems which require my decisions that place my future in risk. A decision which could make me happy for a couple of years while waiting for God's provisions and greatest so as thw brightest plans for me or a decision which could make me face struggles everyday of my life.

Honestly I am in the state of weighing things and waiting for God's answers on my prayers whether to settle for forever or give my self a couple of years in enjoying what life has prepared for me. This one problem of mine is not about relationship, it talks about the job I have to choose.

For this time, that I haven't figure out what should be the right thing to do in choosing the job for me, I know God is faithful and He will never ever leave me in this journey of mine. I know that He gas given me this struggle to test again the faith I have for Him. I know He has instored a brighter and a bigger future for me. And I feel so grateful to God for that one. I know my future is in God's Hands, I just have to Trust Him fully.

That's all for this moment, see you around and remember to go the world and multiply God's goodnesss by any means.

Yours truly,

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