The BIBLE is a Living Treasure!

We should remember clearly that Jesus said in the Bible:

John 6:63 - "The Words that I speak to you, they are Spirit, and they are Life. ‘

The Bible contains different forms of literature, poetry, prophecy, precepts, promises n proverbs.

There are promises to claim, timeless lessons to learn, endlessly blessings to enjoy, commands to obey for protection of yourself and your loved ones, sins to avoid, all made known to you in the path of your life journey.

Take note that a Proverb is a general principle when applied brings a general result. They are wonderful guidelines with principles for living.

Proverbs are principles; not promises.

There are more than 3000 promises of God in His Word for us His Children to claim and to carry us through when we need help or comfort and encouragement.

So I exhort you to read it, meditate on it, believe it, apply it to your life and be willing to obey it.

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