OPEN VEIL DEVOTIONALS-Apostle Prince Emmabel


Friday, 8th June

Topic: Come to God as You Are

Scriptural Passage: James 1:5-8

Focus: James 1:5,

"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him."

God wants you to come to him as you are. That's why James 1:5 says “If you lack wisdom, ask God who giveth to all men liberally…” He is a God who gives liberally and lavishly, without showing favour or partiality. He gives to all; as long as you come to him.

When you ask of anything from God, ask it with the understanding that he gives liberally and upbriadeth not. Don't ask with a double mind.
James 1:6 says

“But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord…”

This scripture talks about the man that comes with a double mind because he is not too sure whether God is going to answer him.

We have all been there.I am talking of that place where you just lied or you did something wrong and then you are about to pray because there is a need for prayer but you are not too sure if you are really fit to pray. So, while praying, you are not sure whether you should make that request, make a decree, issue commands or confess your sins. You are not sure which one should come first. You are not sure whether you should start with a prayer of thanksgiving or supplication. I think the best way to come before God is to come as you feel.

You will be shocked at the way I come to God in prayers. One of the things that goes wrong with my approach is that I don't remember that God is supposed to do anything for me. Every time I come to God, I come to Him amazed that he chose to love me the way I am. So I say things like “Thank you Father. More of you Lord. Reveal yourself to me”. Even though my intention was to pray about something that needed to be done, I leave His presence in the place of prayer forgetting to ask Him for what brought me there in the first place.

I have children at home and they come to me differently based on their temperaments and who they are. Everybody is different. You don't have to come to God as the Pope does; you are not the Pope. Don't even come to God the way I do. Come to God the way you are. Come to him in faith.

Prophetic Declaration


From this day Lord, I shall come to your throne of grace boldly no matter what happens.

Only two people hold your destiny - YOU and GOD. Prince Emmabel-
Images from pixabay.

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