Facing These Two Kings in Our Own Lives


When we believers give our hearts to Jesus, we win a great battle. We defeat the powers of hell, robbing Satan of the spoils he took from us when he ruled our lives. But afterward, as we are still glowing with spiritual victory and freedom, just down the road, two “kings” await us—symbolized by the same two kings who awaited Abram.
Abram faced as strong a temptation as any human being has ever experienced. Before him was an offer of riches, material goods and fame. It would not have compromised Abram’s reputation to accept it, but he did not even think twice about his decision. His response to the king’s offer was a quick and clear no. Why? Because what mattered most to Abram was preserving God’s reputation. In effect he was telling the king of Sodom, “I’m returning all of these things to you—the people, the riches, everything. My Lord owns them all anyway. If He decides to make me wealthy, so be it. But I don’t want you to be able to brag that you made me rich.”
Where did Abram get such detachment from this world and the independence to reject outright the devil’s offer? How did he obtain this tremendous authority to be able to refuse such a powerful temptation?
Abram derived his strength from a fresh revelation of who God is. You see, Melchizedek had opened Abram’s eyes to an amazing vision of God’s character: “He [Melchizedek] blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abram of the most high God, possessor of heaven and earth: and blessed be the most high God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand” (Genesis 14:19–20).
Embedded in this verse is a name for Jehovah God: El Elyon. It means, literally, “God Most High, creator and possessor of heaven and earth.” Melchizedek was declaring to Abram, “Your Lord is not just the greatest of all the gods. He is the creator of the entire universe. Everything in it belongs to Him—all wealth, cattle, possessions. He is in control of everything you see around you.”
This name, El Elyon, provided Abram with a new Discovery about the Lord. He had known God as the Lord who called him out of the land of Ur, but not as Lord Most High, creator and possessor of all things. Now Abram was convinced that God had everything under control.


Hallowed be thy Names, David Wilkerson.

It is really impressive how the writing describes exactly our daily struggle as a Christian and narrates it in an interesting way, it is totally true that after the victory comes immediately these two Kings to meet you as described to Moses in Deuteronomy 11: 26- 28 (Behold, I am setting before you today the blessing and the curse: blessing, if you will obey the commandments of the LORD your God, which I am giving you today, and the curse, if you do not obey the commandments of the LORD your God, and you will turn away from the path that I command you today, to go after other gods that you have not known.) But we need to be as wise as Abram was and look at our Lord and treasure in our hearts his words, and then not fall in the moment in which the king of Sodom appears to tempt us because that is where we will really know the Name of the GREAT I AM in this case ELYON "THE HIGH CREATOR AND OWNER OF HEAVEN AND EARTH GOD".
I hope this passage of the book can bless you as much as did to me., I recommend it is very good ... God bless you!

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