When I Met A Sick Woman

When I met my officemate who was in extreme pain three years ago, she was confine in the hospital for many days and the doctor can not trace what is really the cause of her sickness and pain. We met in the office accidentally since she was assigned in another branch, then I shared to her the good news about how good the Lord Jesus in our life. That He alone the Lord can heal any sickness in our body. We talked many things from the bible until I asked her if she's willing to accept believe the Lord Jesus as her Savior. And she answered yes! We began to pray declaring that Jesus is Lord and the only Savior. Then I noticed she cried and more tears drop from her eyes. Later she was baptized in water and start attending the church service. Friends in our life sometimes we face trials of any kinds but at the end, it is for our own good in Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

I post this to witness how good the Lord Jesus is. To God Be The Glory.

Thank You and God-Bless!

Photo Credited: wallpaperstock.net


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