Biblical Convictions

1)commitment to bible as truth
2)costructions of biblical Convictions
3)courage to act on convictions

Conviction or condition
Romans 4 :18

  • abraham against all hope believed in the truth
    -against present reality he did not waver his commitment of truth

Abraham being as good as dead did not allow his circumstance to be his standard of his convictions

Truth not feelings
-God does not mix feelings with convictions
-he is pleased with what is truth not by what feels Good

God himself did not mixed feelings with truth he will punish the wicked to bring about glory to himself

Why was Judah being destroyed
Isaiah 1:1
-for lack of courage to live up to biblical conviction

  • God does not need anything from us no sacrifice from our hand would ever hide our sin from him
    (Verses 10-13)
    -lack of biblical conviction is contempt towards God
    -lack of conviction will make God hide from prayers
    (Verse 15-16)
    What will God do to some one like this ??
    He will siege your life until anything that gets exalted would come down of its thrown and God becomes precious again
    ( chp. 2 :17 ,chp.4:2 )

The bible is our standard any other standard it could be feelings,circumstances in life used as standards for conviction could become idols that will destroy relationship with God !

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