Good ideas don't neccesarily mean success; Go beyond.

A lot of people in the world today have dozens of good dreams and ideas, they know what to do, how to do it but lack the will to get it done.

Minute after minute, day after day, week after week, month after month and year after year, they just watch those who aren't as smart, intelligent or educated as they are go beyond and ahead of them to become successful, prosperous and influential.

Don't you just hate when that happens? I know I do and will never want that to happen. I think everyone has a fair share of grace to be exceptional in life, and that knowledge should give us right standings to be dreamers in dream mode and ultimately winners.

It is Philippians 2:13 that says and I quote, "For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure." This scripture from the Bible simply states that every of these ideas are dropped by God and he also then gives us the "will" to do and get propelled to act upon that will.
Sadly, many after being willed, stay long enough to not still get the whole point of that idea handed them.

Many are aware they have what it takes to be remarkable, but they are very quick to restrict themselves from achieving full potential. The lazy mode inherent is every human is docile in many but available in a select few. When you have it, it is really active and it just goes all the way up there to mess you up in a beautiful creative way that makes the world a tad better before you appeared.

Many are able to get into their groove through certain therapies, deep thinking, and education, hunger and starvation and or a near death experience. But I am very sure of a simple most interesting way to get there and win, PRAYERS. Yes, pray and do!
The major reason why many don't experience the miraculous as it is evident in them is their, ability to relapsed into a faithless life and live by agreeing that they are meant to be just the way they are--"underachievers because the Almighty God has a purpose for their creation."

I Feel Blessed!

Is Spirituality Responsible for our failures and success?

There is truly no spirituality associated with failing if I have to think it right, because, we are all morally wrong about where and how we pledge our loyalty, allegiance and love to God.
On the other hand, we have become so dependent on the theme "Religion" that despite our sinful ways, we blame everything on everyone else except ourselves; we even blame our mistakes on God.
Many hold onto their various beliefs and wisdom to tackle the world the only way they have ever known.

  • We go to sleep too early in the day.
    I believe we have become too docile and sleepy like the Koala that spends 90% of its day sleeping peacefully.
    Sleeping has its defined time, but the sluggard switches their timetable long before they woke up to conform with the night time while it is yet day.
    You must be willing and ready to put in work and even sacrifice the majority of your sleep time for the development of your passion and dreams.

  • We allow the religious dubiousness of our being teach us the art of stupidity.
    Whenever I am approached by a stranger for the first time and they tell me "God Bless you" or they start to lead with some kind of religious gist, my antennae suddenly goes all erect. I am a christian quite alright and will gladly not be seen as one who can be patronized to believing you because you claimed to be a christian as well.
    As believers, we are expected to pray without ceasing and that means, there is no time to delay or try to conform with the dictate of the world.

  • We ask often than we give.
    The man who thinks first of always taking away from the ban will never amount to anything special. Many are very good in praying about self. They can ask for all the best things in the world from God but not for others.
    We are mostly in a hurry to get as much as we can instead of giving more than we can hold.
    When you have that amazing idea, make sure to ask yourself where that idea will lead you and what you need to do to get it into the hearts of others. When you start doing that, you will not lack the ideas to see it get done.

  • We lose focus every time we try to make it about us.
    Life is filled with series of stages, pictures and plains. These various stages of life has an effect that renders us proportionally incapable to focus without getting carried away.
    When you fail to stay the focus, you will not be able to get a grip on the ingredient you need to cook the good idea you have.
    Remember, there are no guarantees that your good idea will be a game changer even for you.

Random fact: Did you know that 90% of the world's most successful ideas never made it to the incubation stage?
Ideas got conceived and buried almost immediately, and they are presently resident in the richest platform man will never have a chance to explore while in life or death.

Winning in life is not about he who starts out first, or he who is more experienced or he who is well versed in their chosen field, it is about he that takes their time to "Will it" hard enough to follow through with their "good ideas".

Stay the focus and follow through with that dream. Dream like its your reality and leave no clues as to the reason why you or anyone think your ideas will fail. Go head on and make your time count.

Make the world a better place for someone today!

All Images are from Pixabay

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