Living by Faith - or living by lazy

Tell me what that means for you!

If you are a person of faith I would love to hear how faith is playing out in your life this specifically...

One of my biggest handicaps I have had to work through was moving from religious environment to the next and finding some level of reasoning for things with this word...You have to trust and 'live by faith' - I heard it at weddings, funerals, summer camps, and pretty much any challenge.

The problem with that is I am not sure where Jesus actually says that.


The result of this is quite a powerless life, that reduces us down to treating religious text like some rule book. While this may be true for some religious text, this is not true for the Bible.

You see Jesus didn't invite people to 'live by faith' from this sense of believe haphazardly for something magical to happen to your life. Wave your hands correctly and viola...nope not how it works...He invited anyone and everyone into a lifestyle of relationship with God. He never told people to know me you have to 'live by faith' or to know God you have to 'live by faith'. Instead, God is actively partnering with people and showing Himself to people, through any means possible. As people's interest gets piqued, faith engages. However, this faith if not sitting dumbly on the bench of life and hoping for magic - its individuals actively seeking out God - looking for what God is doing.

The magic happens as individuals actively seek out God and find Him. Faith is then no longer required in that moment. It's instead turns to authority.

The process then expands - you encounter an aspect of God - you then find He is doing/showing you something new, that requires you to actively seek the reality of it. Therefore faith is engaged in a new way. Which eventually leads to a new breakthrough - hence the Kingdom of Heaven being then released. Which is what Jesus commanded His followers to do in Matthew 10.


Here's all I am trying to say: People walk away from christianity because christians are lazy, and they use 'live by faith' as an excuse for not doing anything.

If you are a believer in Jesus - how are you living by faith this week? What is it that God has stirred in your heart to believe for? What are you actively seeking out in Him? If you don't know - you are not 'living by faith' and have no impact on people around you - you are living by lazy...I am guessing largely from ignorance.

When faith becomes authority - testimony of God is released, miracles are manifested, and the church is strengthened. If you are not in the game get in the game - people are hurting all around us and are waiting for hope to be revealed.

Live big friends - and feel free to share how you are living by faith this week -

be blessed and highly favored

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