Do you know the difference between a praise and a worship?

When one speaks of a song praise and worship many believers imagine that a praise is a song of fast and moved rhythm, while, on the other hand it is thought that a worship is a melancholic and slow-paced song, these are wrong concepts. More than evaluating if a song is a praise or a worship for its rhythms, we must recognize them by the contents of the songs, and we must ask ourselves the following: what does it transmit or communicate its lyrics? This will certainly tell us whether, when singing a Christian song, we are worshiping or praising our God, or it is simply a song that speaks about some experience or experience of some believer in his walk with Christ. From these differences I want to teach you in this publication, so I invite you to continue reading about this interesting topic.

Let's talk about Praise

A song of praise talks about our response to the attributes of God and may have a fast or slow rhythm, these attributes are highlighted in the lyrics of the song and may be, that He is powerful, faithful, worthy, holy, great, merciful , omnipotent, patient, honorable, among other things. To praise is to praise or speak well of someone, in this case God.

But what then is a song of Adoration?

Worship is our response to the presence of God, Adoration is an attitude of the heart, it goes beyond praise, although praise is a form of worship. Adoracion has to do with the position I hold in his presence, it is the position I hold before the King. Then worship as I commented previously, they are not melancholic chants or a song of very slow rhythm that is repeated many times, adoration is not to say I love you, worship is to say you obey. To adore is to obey, submission before Him, is surrender, sacrifice and if we speak of sacrifice, obeying is better than any sacrifice.

I always remember an example that I never forget and is this: imagine that you are in a room and the King enters, what do people do when they see it? they certainly prostrate themselves and make a sign of reverence before Him, then that is worship. When you are in the presence of the King of Kings, you can prostrate yourself, surrender or bow before Him, that is an attitude of worship. But adoration is constant, it is a way of living.

Then, a song of adoration is that which leads you to prostrate before God in his presence, but more than a song or rhythm is what you do in his presence.

 Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”   John 4:23-24 New International Version (NIV)

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