The ABC's of Christianity

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What was Jesus really supposed to do? What did he come for? What did he do? What did he get out of it? The questions about Jesus and his life and deed are many and different. Christianity's ABC is about Jesus Christ, as he is the red thread through the Christian faith.

What was Jesus really supposed to do? What did he come for? What did he do? What did he get out of it? The questions about Jesus and his life and deed are many and different. Christianity's ABC is about Jesus Christ, as he is the red thread through the Christian faith. In fact, the word "Christian" is merely a derivative form of Jesus' title-Christ.

A gift

Many people have come to the conclusion that the core of Christianity is a message of charity, a form of humanism and a series of more or less reasonable rules of conduct. I would like to postulate that the core of Christianity is a completely different matter. Christianity's core is a gift offered to all people who will accept it. A gift offered to all, not just the religious, not just the Christians, and not just morally nice people, but all! Let me try to explain.

Man has been divorced from God

"Show me God, I will believe in him" have people told me. But I can not pull God out of his pocket and show him to them. "Is God really a HAM?" "Or is God a term for something undefined - a cosmic force?" Yes, is there any God at all? Perhaps you are convinced that there is a God, but how is he? - You have not seen him either. All these comments and questions show how we, as humans, have been divorced from God.

God has gone away for us. We can not see him. We can not even go and greet him. We can compare the situation between God and man with the experience of two people who are on either side of a deep gap in the foggy weather. They may sense that the other is on the opposite side. But the fog prevents them from seeing the other, and the gap is blocking the road. In the relationship between man and god, it is all our mistakes that make up the gap. If you are honest with yourself, I think you know the mistakes in your life.

Things you could wish you had done differently. You did for example. something about your neighbor, your parents, siblings, spouse, children or friends who ruined something in the relationship between you. A hard word, an egoistic act or maybe you just "forgot" them. But there was something that broke down. Of course, they also made mistakes to you, but it does not change your mistakes. Christianity calls these mistakes for sins. The word sinner describes that our mistakes also affect our relationship with God. Our sins divorce us from God.

You can not save yourself

Many people try to get over the gap to God. We see in many religions where people through religious exercises, such as meditation, try to reach the divine. Or when people believe that a good moral life will satisfy God. But man never reaches his own efforts over the gap. For just a single mistake, divide. The Great Belt Bridge would not benefit much if there was a single subject. The bridge must be full to work.

How is God?

It may sound hard that just a single mistake separates you from God. But it is God's righteousness that is expressed here. The court is at its fullest. Fortunately, God has a loving justice. Not a cold justice. Therefore ...

Jesus built a bridge between man and God
God's immense love for man forced him to act. God sent his own son Jesus to build a bridge over the gap. This website is a definite result of this action from God. The turn of the millennium is in the western calendar of the year 2000, after the birth of Jesus in Israel in the city of Bethlehem. Jesus, with his life and his existence, had to bridge the gap between God and people. Jesus claims that the one who saw him has seen God. Then you want an idea of ​​how God is, so study how Jesus is described. The culmination of Jesus' life in Israel was that

he was crucified just below the capital of Jerusalem, on a hill called Calvary. Physically, he was crucified with two criminals accused of violating religious laws. He was crucified by the Roman occupying power, but on the basis of accusations of the religious elite in Israel. At the end of the slow and cruel death of the crucifixion, Jesus cried out, "My God, my God, why did you leave me?" Jesus saw here the gap to God. He was no longer with God. But the special thing was that he was divorced from God not because of his own mistakes, but because of the misery of all men.

He paid the price for us. He had no sins himself, but was charged with all our sins. Through Jesus' death for us, a bridge is built over the gap between people and God.

Believe in Jesus

Therefore, man and God now have the opportunity to meet again. You can come to God by making use of the bridge. Specifically, believing in Jesus. The belief that Jesus is dead for your sins is to compare to crossing the bridge in the drawing. You must therefore be free to believe in yourself, free to fulfill a certain amount of morality free of all possible religious efforts. On the other hand, Christianity's ABC tells you to be allowed to count on what Jesus did for you. Going over the bridge is to be saved. Being saved in the Christian sense is by no means better than others. But it's trusting someone else did for you.

Liberating. The last word of Jesus on the cross was: "It is accomplished". The work was done. The bridge was complete. The red string has been cut over, the bridge is inaugurated. I hope you understand what gift you are offered here .....

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