God Looks Through The Mask

Skærmbillede 2018-02-19 kl. 17.16.34.png

Every day I take a mask on, so others can not guess who I really are. I would also like to hide it from God, but he looks through.

When I think back on my childhood carnival, I remember that it was always fun to find the right outfit.

The fantasy could run freely, and this one day a year I could get a mask and be the one I would like to be.

This year I have not been dressed for carnival. There was not really any reason, because I was not going to celebrate a carnival. But yet I have carried on a mask.

My everyday mask

I'm taking a mask every day. The mask is not visible to others, but I take it on anyway, because it hides those sides of me, I'm not so proud to show off.

When I have the mask, I imagine I'm a better person. I'm saving my mistakes and missing away and showing only what others can be impressed with.

Behind the mask, I am, in fact, like all other people. I'm also making mistakes and doing stupid things. I'm also going to let others down and make them sad. But when I have my mask on, I hope nobody discovers it.

God looks through

My masks may hide my true I for the outside world, but to God they can not hide anything. Over and over again I fail God, and I can not in no way live up to the ideal God has set for my life. I wish I could hide it from him and pretend I was someone else than I am.

But it easily permeates God. Still, it does not make him scream away. God loves you and me and wants to be with us, despite all our failures and failed attempts to live a good life.

God loves us all so high that He sent Jesus to earth to blame for the failures we have committed to God. So our failure should not divorce us from God.


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