
Hello Fellow Steemians,

Hope we are looking good and doing OK today and every thing is going on as we planned, but even though things are not working the way we planned but as long as there is life surely we will all achieved our goes and dreams this year as long as we are still alive in Jesus Name Amen.

Being a while I wrote and talk about the Christian community in the blockchain of steemit, but today I'm really back and we will be looking at one of the most interesting and important aspect of financial increase in our lives and in the life of anybody who can follow and apply the steps will surely get financial increase.

OK, let's go........

What is Increase?

Increase is the level of development that do take place in whatsoever you are doing either financially or non-financially. That is changing of your position positively from the level that you ear to a different place or position; and that is to say that if you are not changing level positively from where you are to a higher position that means you are not increasing at all.

Now let's look at the Three Principles of Increase:

The First Point: "Always start from the very position that you are, with what you do have at the moment".


a). Where you are and at the moment and what you have at hand is really good enough as a staring point in life.

b). From where you are at your starting point, the light of God can turn in favor of your direction depending on what you can see.

c). Always know that no body is totally empty or useless in life; because every body do have hidden talent and treasure in them that can move them from where they are to where they want to be in life.

d). Lot of people do complain, but don't waste your time lamenting over whatsoever you lack, but take your time and locate what you don't have.

The Second Point: "Give All You Have With All You Have Got".


a). Hard work and Diligence pays. Working hard is the ladder to higher fly and diligence is the door way to abundance.

b). Whatsoever you sow that will you reap.Therefore when you give life all its takes, then life will give you all that its contains.

c). Until you stretch yourselves in hard-work and diligence, then you can not reach your goes and potential in life.

d). The deployment of your energy in hard work is the guarantee for attaining a successful and destiny.

The Third Point: "Always Give The Best To Life, And The Best At What You Can Do".


a). This life is a fertile ground for good seed, therefore whatsoever you sow in this life that is what you will reap in return.

b). When you sow the seed of excellence it will produce an harvest of abundant, likewise when you sow a seed of discord it will sow a seed of corruption.

c). Our God is a rewarded of those who diligently seek Him and also work in an excellent ways.

d). The life we are is an investment life and not and expenditure life, therefore whosoever that invest in life will surely reap abundantly.

Word of Encouragement

  • Seek first the kingdom of God and all things will be added to you. Matthew 6:33

  • Working hard is the escape root to poverty and hard life.

  • For you to have a serious future you have to get life serious.

Remember it pays to serve God and to work hard in Life, therefore don't be lazy start where you are no matter how small it is...

Images below are gotten from the discord community



It Pays To Work Hard

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