
And supper being ended, the devil having already put it into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, to betray Him,
John 13:2 NKJV

What we hear and allow to get into us is so important. I can't emphasize this enough. Several people have written books on the power of the mind. I'm currently reading The power of positive thinking by Norman Vincent Peale and recommend it to any book lover.

Iv realised that our mind is a plain field. What we wish to use it for is upto us. Some have chosen to make it a dumping ground for all the junk the world gives us. For others they make it a field of fertility by planting on it great fruit trees. The truth is that Judas probably had no intent to do what he did when he started his walk with Jesus. I believe he was a pure man. What made him rogue was what he allowed to enter inside of him.

The devil put it into his heart to give Jesus up to his enemies. His heart here could imply his mind. Our minds are the centre of our decision making process. We need to guard it. You will be surprised what you can do with just simply leting stuff in your mind. From TV programs, books, peer talk, and even your own stray thoughts can easily be a negative trigger some thing devastating. Murder, rape, suicide etc all of them and more started with a thought.

There is no better way to control negative thoughts than by replacing them with positive ones. Listen to uplifting messages, spend your time around the right people. Its not good enough to try push them out. You need to replace it. If we don't learn the art of guarding our minds we are no better off than Judas.


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