Righteousness is a free gift of God provided by Jesus Christ at Calvary through the grace of God. It simply means being in right standing with God. This is not referring to your good work or pious look, but God’s righteousness.
Self-righteousness is simply morality without Christ - Mark 10:17-22. Some people think that they are righteous because they are morally sound or they avoid evil but this is not exactly true. You are not righteous because you do not commit sin; you are only righteous when you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. Self-righteousness does not guarantee eternity in heaven.
When you accept Jesus Christ, you move into a position of New Birth. God accepts you on the basis of what Jesus did, not what you did. Just like you became a native of your country by being born in that country - so also, you are positioned in righteousness the moment you become born again.
Isaiah 43:25 - I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins.
God Bless You.
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