God cannot be limited by the words and experiences of man


God cannot be limited by the words and experiences of men... He is dynamic!

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with learning and leveraging on the wisdom of those who have gone ahead of us - those who have gone before us...

Remember the cliche that says; a day with a teacher is a lot better than ten years of research, that is if the teacher is willing to pour himself or herself out to us as a drink offering.

However, something will be totally wrong if we begin to make them our standard in such a way that we can’t say anything if they haven’t said it or practice something we think will work because the men at the “high table” has not thought about it. We as Christians that have received the truth of God’s word have every right to think independently with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

What we must never do as Christians is to limit God to the words and experiences of men because they haven’t said it all and the experience of God to individuals defers, as we know God is dynamic in his ways and may choose to do something different with you.

The greatest enemy of change is the ways of the past. In this era of the Holy Spirit, any thing can happen, we just need to open our hearts and not limit God.

You start hearing things like “the ways of our fathers...”

But remember that your fathers didn’t have or invent a way for the sake of journeying. A way was given for them to arrive at a destination.

Roads don’t exist because we just want to spend some fractions of our national budget on roads. Roads exist because of destinations.

It then becomes insanity and an exercise in frustration when we begin to prioritize the need to keep a route than evaluating whether or not these roads lead to our destination.

It was in this light Jesus said “I didn’t come to destroy the law but I came to fulfill it...

The law was the road to something but I am the way, the only way and the truth.

So friends it’s good to know our fathers experiences of God, but let’s search for him for ourselves!.

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