Salvation means deliverance from sins and the consequences of sin. Put differently, salvation means to be converted, changed, transformed, regenerated from being a sinnner to a child of God. It could also mean be justified or declared righteous; not by man's merit but an act of free grace. There are steps to salvation which are:

  1. Acknowledge - You must see yourself in the light of God's word that you are a sinner (Rom 3:23, Lk 18:13).
  2. Repent - You must see the awefulness of sin, then repent of it (Luke 13:3, Acts 3:19).
  3. Confess - Confess your sin, not unto man but unto God (1 John 1:9, Rom 10:10).
  4. Forsake - Sorrow for sin is not enough in itself, we must do away with it once and for all (Isa. 55:7).
  5. Believe - Believe in the finished work of Christ on the cross for your sins (Jn 3:16, Rom 10:9).
  6. Accept - Christ must be accepted personally unto your heart by faith, if the experiance of the new birth is to be yours (John 1:11-12).
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