On Immigration, President Donald Trump Putting Stephen Miller In Charge | Hardball | MSNBC

In question I think everybody on the show right now is what this tougher mean I want to go to Asia on that in a minute but secretary Nielsen's resignation comes as White House adviser Stephen Miller is reportedly consolidating his control over administration policy administration official told The Wall Street Journal President Trump recently told Miller one of his most hardline advisors of this administration immigration policy you're in charge meanwhile Politico reports a person close to Nielson said there's definitely a larger shake-up abreast being led by Stephen Miller and the staunch right wing within the administration they failed with the courts and with Congress and now they're eating their own here it comes what does it mean when Trump says you didn't like family separation get ready for this I'm getting even tougher well it's not really clear because the one thing that having what family separation is he had to pull back on that like he had to reversal and so now he wants to bring you back so his choice terrible and it may work with his base but it also is going to mobilize a lot of other people against him and against Republicans that's why you even had Republicans at that time saying this won't stand you can't you cannot continue this type of policy and so if he tries to bring back the family separation you're only going to see people more mobilized against that and I don't know what he could do that would be more tough than that let me go back to Peter on this because I think it is a front page analysis reality here we're looking into a much more hard to believe it more polarized election in 2020 then in 2016 and the president seems to want it more polarized well he's playing on these issues of course that are very very divisive in the United States right now the immigration being his central signature issue and it's is so important to his identity his sense of this administration this presidency he was elected on this as far as he was concerned he was elected on build the wall he was elected on protecting the country and he's willing he has said this he's willing to sacrifice other priorities in order to make this happen even the economy says is not as important as security at the border so he has made very clear through the shutdown that lasted five weeks he's made very clear through the actions of the last week or two that this is going to be his number one priority going forward into this election so this election may be fought out on this very issue well the Democrats let it become that clear-cut that there for something like leniency ashin open borders in some sense rather than being it is with Trump are they willing to divide let the divide open up that clearly Peter well I think I think their message is a little is a little fuzzier than his right his is relatively straightforward I'm going to protect the country I'm going to stop them from coming in Democrats are some skies divided between those like better or war q says let's let's tear down the wall we've already got there at El Paso where he was a congressman and those who say no no we're for border security but we're also for a more rational immigration system that provides at least some sort of path to residency or citizenship for people who are already here and doesn't try to make deportation the only answer to the question that's a harder message to sell right but on the other hand the President as you said went out on the campaign trail last fall he tried to sell the idea that Democrats from for open borders to the electorate didn't work in a congressional year a presidential year is a different year different kind of electorate larger turnout I see how that plays out Stephen let's go to let's go to David on this one because this seems Steven Miller taking over tells us basically he's bringing in Frank Rizzo he's bringing the toughest guys got here here what you're not a Republican anymore is this gonna make you personally less a Republican if we go to really you know DEFCON two here whatever going towards with this president and immigration look Steven Miller according to a former White House aide reportedly has said he'd be happy if not one single one additional foot of an asylum seeker ever set set ground on American soil Chris this is the interesting thing to your last conversation with Peter no politicians today should accept this as a binary choice between open borders and security the person who can succeed on this issue and frankly Donald Trump could accomplish much of what he wants to do on security if you led by showing that you're actually going to take care of the human crisis that doesn't mean you have to admit everybody in publicly deploy health care workers and education workers teachers to take care of these families and these young children and make that the face of American immigration policy that we're going to attend to this very human crisis while also supporting border security the American people want border security but their heart is in a very different place in the president United States I agree with you that I think the family separation killed Trump for a while not too long he came back but I also think a conservative point of view a Republican point was voice breaking I'm Chris Hayes from MSNBC thanks for watching MSNBC on YouTube if you want to keep up to date with the videos we're putting out you can click Subscribe just below me or click over on this list to see lots of other great videos

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