DIY #45 | Chocolate Facial

hello Steemains,

Today I'm going to share with you homemade Chocolate facial. Chocolate facial is also one of the best way to do at home with natural ingreients, that's mostly availeble in house. You can be easily made it at your home. Facial has so many different type are availeble in every beauty sasalon,t whose peoples can't aford having facial at salon. So don't beworried about that. I have a pretty cool chocolate facial that I've tried once, it has amazing result. So let's start,


For cleasing you have need enough raw milk and small pinch of turmeric. No gently messaged on your face with cotton pad. Massage with lightly hand for 3 to 5 minuts after cleanse it off with normal tap water.


  • Coco Powder - 1 tbs
  • Olive Oil - 1 tbs
    Venela asence - few drops
    Mix it well all ingredients and apply on your face for 10 minutes. Scrub on your face gently after rinse it off with water. Now apply Rose water on your face.


  • Coco Powder - 1 tbs
  • Cheez - I tbs
  • Honey - 1 tbs
    For nourshing and massaged your face you have need all above ingredients. Add in a blender and blent it to make a thick paste. Now massage your face with this paste for 10 minutes.


  • Coco Powder - 1 tbs
  • Yougurt - 2 tbs
  • Honey - 1 tbs
  • Vitamin E Capsul - 2
  • Rice flour - per need
    For, masking your face add all these ingredients to make a fine paste, after apply all over the face, then leave it to dry. After rinsing it off the normal hot water.


You can use rose water for toning your face at the end of your facial or you can also use after scrubbing your face. then leave it to dry. After rinsing it off the normal hot water.

If you like this facial, you can do at your home. Don't forget to thumbs up ;)

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