China drops hint it could blackmail U.S. over pharmaceutical exports as coronavirus that came from them spreads across America

China. ubo4zc.jpgIn an article published by Xinhua News, the Chinese Communist Party’s media propaganda outlet, the author suggests that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is spreading farther and faster in the U.S. than the Trump administration is saying.

While the article, titled, “Be Bold: The world owes China a Thank You,” also notes that President Trump recently praised Beijing’s virus containment in a press conference, it also made mention that stocks on Wall Street have been severely battered by uncertainty over the outbreak.

The article, according to a translation posted by Zero Hedge, reported that the stock market “has plummeted continuously with a drop of more than 12 percent in just one week.”

But then it goes on to note that Trump’s travel ban on China — which is solely tied to the coronavirus epicenter being in China and includes restrictions of those who have recently visited the mainland — has had “great economic impact” on the country.

It accuses U.S. officials including Commerce Secretary Wilber Ross, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and White House Economic Adviser Peter Navarro of having “publicly gloated over China’s new crown pneumonia epidemic, saying that the outbreak … is good for the United States and will help companies return to the United States.”

In addition, the article says that the Trump administration is using the outbreak in China as the impetus for calling on companies to leave the country and return to the United States, the implications being that it’s safer to operate in the U.S. The Xinhua story cited reports in The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times “condemning the closure of Wuhan in China as a violation of human rights” (Wuhan City is the epicenter for the current coronavirus outbreak).

Now you see why Trump’s trade policies toward China are spot-on
“The American culture of falling rocks is really shameless,” the translated article continues, noting further:

Today, Feng Shui is taking turns, and the United States has become a victim of the new crown pneumonia epidemic. At this time, China has not fallen into rocks and has not condemned the United States. At this time, the United States should recognize its mistakes. Apologize to China for your actions.

But the “punchline,” as Zero Hedge noted, is this, essentially: If China were to retaliate against the U.S. at present, including a travel ban or a strategic restriction over medical exports, our country would be “plunged into the mighty sea of coronavirus.” (Related: WHO admits global coronavirus death rate HIGHER than initially thought: Now 3.4%.)

Translation: Stop insulting China with ‘punative’ actions like travel bans and trying to get American companies to come back home, or we’ll cut off your badly-needed drugs and other medical supplies.

Xinhua goes on to note that “most of the drugs in the United States are imported,” and that “most masks in the United States are made in China and imported from China. Thus, if Beijing were to order restrictions on those exports to the U.S., we could not take “the most basic measures to prevent the new coronavirus.”

William Engdahl of New Eastern Outlook confirms that some 80 percent of drugs consumed in the U.S. are indeed made in China, a stupid, ridiculous amount that puts our people at risk for any geopolitical disagreements with China, up to and including war.

And, according to Rosemary Gibson of the Hastings Center bioethics research institute, who wrote a book in 2018 on the issue, that kind of dependency on a potential nemesis is quite alarming.

The drugs made in China are among the most commonly used and prescribed in the U.S., including the bulk of antibiotics, birth control pills, blood pressure meds, and various cancer medications.

If the dependency of the U.S. on China exposed by the coronavirus outbreak doesn’t convince you of the wisdom of President Trump’s “MAGA” philosophy and trade approach with Beijing, nothing will. drops hint it could blackmail U.S. over pharmaceutical exports as coronavirus that came from them spreads across America

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