[China News Today]China News July 24,2017 中国新闻 2017年7月24日

国内社会 Social

1.三名小伙半夜偷摘西瓜被发现 逃跑跌入水坑 2 人溺亡
Three young men were spotted stealing watermelon in the middle of the night,Escape fell into a puddle two people drowned


2.少女坠河身亡 男子跳河未能救其上岸难过痛哭
Girl falling River killed men jump river failed to rescue their shore sad cry

21 日中午 11 时 40 分许,扬州高邮市珠光大桥西侧附近一条灌溉河内,一个 14 岁左右的少女坠入河中。危急时刻,一位驾驶私家车路过此地的热心男子发现后,勇敢地跳河救人。遗憾的是,由于水流湍急,河水较深,3 小时后女孩被众人救上岸时,已经死亡。

A 14 year old girl falls into a river near Hanoi, Gaoyou, on the west side of the Pearl River Bridge in Yangzhou. Critical moment, a driving private car passing here enthusiastic man found, brave jump river to save people. Unfortunately, due to the rapid flow of water, the river is deep, 3 hours later, when the girls were rescued ashore, has died.


3.四川遭暴风雨突袭 11 级大风吹跑 10 楼窗户
Sichuan storm storm 11 winds blowing 10 floor windows


Since mid July 2017, storm attacks across Sichuan have caused varying degrees of impacts and losses to the region. After a storm hit the other day, a citizen of Sichuan, Guangyuan Province, got up and found a large window in his living room missing.


4.女子相亲点 10 只虾一只 298,男方没付钱跑了
The beauty went on a blind date, ordered 10 shrimp, one 298, the man didn't pay and ran away


体育 Sport

5.3 分 41 秒 38!孙杨夺世锦赛 400 米自由泳三连冠
3'41''38 Sun Yang wins men's 400m free title for third straight time at FINA worlds


*China's Sun Yang celebrates after the men's 400m free style final of swimming at the 17th FINA World Championships in Budapest, Hungary, on July 23, 2017. Sun Yang won the gold medal with 3 minutes and 41.38 seconds. *


财经 Finance

6.庞氏骗局:IGOFX 总代理疑卷 300 亿跑路 传近 40 万人受骗
Ponzi scheme: IGOFX general agent suspected volume 30 billion, nearly 400 thousand people cheated

90 后美女张雪娇是 IGOFX 中国区总代理。6 月 11 日,她卷款跑路,至今下落不明。根据媒体的报道,近40万名IGOFX投资者约300亿人民币「被骗”」。这被称为又一个「庞氏骗局」。

After 90 beauty Zhang Xuejiao is IGOFX China general agent. In June 11th, she ran away with her money and was still missing. According to media reports, nearly 400 thousand IGOFX investors cheated about 30 billion yuan. This is called another Ponzi scheme.


科技 Technology

7.男孩骑 ofo 被撞身亡 家属索赔 878 万元
Boy riding ofo killed,relatives claims 8 million 780 thousand yuan

今年 3 月 26 日,上海一名未满 12 周岁男孩在骑行 ofo 小黄车时不幸与客车相撞,被碾压后死亡。7 月 19 日,小男孩的父母对肇事机动车公司、ofo 提出起诉,要求二者共同承担民事赔偿责任,并索赔 878 万元。

On March 26, a boy in Shanghai who was under the age of 12 died after being crushed when he collided with a passenger car while riding in a minivan. On July 19, the parents of the young boy sued the motor vehicle company and ofo, demanding that the two share the civil liability and claim 878, 000 yuan.


军事 Military



「The 90-year history of the People's Liberation Army has proven that, when it comes to safeguarding our sovereignty and territorial integrity, our capabilities keep strengthening while our determination remains firm.It is easier to move a mountain than to shake the PLA.」


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