China pushes into the South China Sea.


Well in China is trying to push its influences way past its borders. And is doing everything to make it bigger. Not legally and in so many crazy ways it's funny if it wasn't scary.

They are forcing a claim to Waters and territories that are not theirs. Just this week 60 minutes Australia has released numerous articles about China's actions and predatory lending bribery corruption and espionage.

Now the CIA isn't innocent however the complicity of China in so many crimes and corruption... It's not new.

China is even pushing to make sure that these maps are put into movies and popular culture.

They seemed think if they redraw the lines. The rest of the world will just accept it.

China will try to expand and shortly it will start to use military force. not to mention all of the fortified islands in the South China Sea that are actually in international waters.

However the defense systems overlap so it's not looking like it's going to be an easy removal.

I will have to say that these artificial islands or actually pretty amazing wonders of engineering.

However China has absolutely no problems polluting and damaging the environment. And none of these artificial islands are constructed with any thought to the environmental impact.

Let alone China has fishing boats that sail and indiscriminately Net anyting and everything. Destroying all marine life in it's wake.

The world should wake up to China...

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