China news roundup / Nachrichten 2024-08-30



China warns Myanmar rebel army to stop fighting

"A spokesman for the insurgent group, the Ta’ang National Liberation Army, or TNLA, told Radio Free Asia that the security committee in the Chinese border town of Ruili told the TNLA in a letter to stop fighting.
“Fighting must stop immediately in order to maintain stability and peace on the China-Myanmar border and protect the lives of Chinese citizens,” the Chinese security committee said in the letter, copies of which were posted online.
If the TNLA did not comply, China would “teach them a lesson,” and the group would be “responsible for the consequences,”"

--- That must be that famous Chinese non-interference policy at work.

"Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian told reporters that China is "highly concerned about ... the conflict in northern Myanmar" and "will continue to ... promote the easing and cooling of the situation" in the region"

--- Hmm, by shooting into Burma?


China's economy isn't 'collapsing' like markets suggest

"Qazi notes that while China's economy started 2024 strong, there has been "a mild slowdown," although he emphasizes that the roof is not "collapsing" on the nation. He points out that data has indicated "a modest recovery" throughout the year, rather than the crisis that some markets have been suggesting."

--- I don't see a collapse, but it sure smells like recession.


China deflects after UN renews calls to investigate Xinjiang abuses

"“People of all ethnic groups in China are equal and their legitimate rights and interests are fully protected,” Lin said. “Xinjiang today enjoys social stability and economic growth and the people there live a happy life.”"



Hundreds of Taiwanese 'disappear' in China over past 10 years

"Figures compiled by the Taiwan Association for Human Rights and several other non-government groups showed that 857 Taiwan nationals have been "forcibly disappeared or arbitrarily arrested" in China"

--- Seems like it's a good idea not to go to China if you are Taiwanese.

"The Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy highlighted a “disturbing trend” of underreporting of the number of Tibetans who are victims of enforced disappearances as China cracks down more heavily with restrictions and heightened surveillance in Tibet.
The rights group has documented more than 63 known cases of Tibetans subjected to enforced disappearance in Tibet over the past four years, but said the underreporting likely had to do with fear of reprisals."

--- Well, this might also be that in Tibet, like in Xinjiang, the CCP wants to show strength & openly arrests & harasses people.


Decoding China: The Vatican's difficult diplomacy

""From the outside, it may look as if the Church is compromising on fundamental issues. But that's not quite right," said Piero Schiavazzi, a Vatican expert and professor at the Italian Link University in Rome.
"The inclusion of China in the Catholic world will be of enormous importance. I think the question is 'when' rather than 'where' the next step will take place," Schiavazzi told DW.
"I believe that the decisive step will be the appointment of a bishop from the Chinese patriotic church as cardinal."
A cardinal is allowed to participate in electing the pope."

--- So, kowtowing to China would prove that you're not kowtowing to China? Must be religious logic.



China's market regulator says e-commerce giant Alibaba has completed three-year 'rectification' period

US Government Funding Yielded Hundreds of Patents for China-Based Researchers

Vietnam, Philippines to sign defense cooperation agreement



--- China Uncensored features the usual weekend news variety:


--- CNBC: "The Chinese economy is headed for a much bigger slowdown than we have today, says Shehzad Qazi"


--- DW News: "Can China regain its foothold in Africa?"



Decoding China: In diplomatischer Grauzone mit dem Vatikan

"der Vatikan ist der einzige Staat in Europa, der die Regierung in Peking nicht als legitime Regierung Chinas anerkennt und diplomatische Regierung mit der Republik China auf Taiwan unterhält.
[...] Inwiefern kann China also einen Glauben zulassen, in dessen Zentrum der Papst steht und der als Oberhaupt des Vatikans einen Staat vertritt, auf den die Kommunistische Partei keinen Einfluss hat?
[...] Der Vertrag zwischen dem chinesischen Kaiser und russischen Zaren wurde in Latein verfasst wurde, der Amtssprache des Vatikans.
[...] Allerdings war katholische Kirche, genauso wie heute, uneins über den angemessenen Umgang mit China.
[...] Ein Schattenspiel zwischen dem Vatikan und Peking sei deswegen in vollem Gange. Chinas Präsident Xi Jinping sei der Master."

--- Lost in translation? Oder wieder mal ein Beispiel für den Einsatz besoffener Praktikanten in deutschen Redaktionen.


China schlägt Platzierung von Atombomben im Weltall vor

"Außerdem fordert das Team eine langfristige orbitale Einsatzfähigkeit, die es ermöglicht, nukleare Sprengköpfe mehr als zehn Jahre lang sicher im Weltraum zu stationieren."

--- Chinesische Atomsprengköpfe im Erdorbit? Lieber nicht. Einerseits ist da die Chabuduo-Kultur, wodurch das für sich genommen schon gefährlich ist. Daneben müsste man aber auch noch der KPCh vertrauen, diese Atomwaffen nicht als Bedrohung oder als Erpressungsmittel einzusetzen.


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