China news roundup / Nachrichten 2024-08-28



Sabina Shoal: The new flashpoint between China and the Philippines

"The collisions usually arise from the cat-and-mouse games the boats engage in, as they attempt to chase the other side away."

--- Hmm, it looks more like it's almost entirely the Chinese side doing the chasing.

"Last month they agreed to allow the Philippines to restock the outpost in the Second Thomas Shoal with food, supplies and personnel. Since then this has taken place with no reported clashes.
The incidents at Sabina Shoal however raise the question of whether such détentes are effective when the dispute can simply shift to a new site."

--- Are any agreements with China effective?


Why South Africans are flocking to a Chinese hospital ship

"Miserable winter weather, snow on Table Mountain and gale force winds have not dampened Cape Town residents’ enthusiasm for free medical care being offered on a Chinese ship, currently docked in the South African city’s harbour."

--- Funny that, because for Chinese themselves, medical care is far from free.


Students in China to see more patriotism and party ideology in their curriculum

"Primary and junior high students will be given new textbooks promoting Chinese language, culture, history, and morality and law, that emphasize the importance of Xi’s ideologies and ideas"

--- Children just can't get enough of emperor Xi's Thoughts. & it's all the education they need.


China and Taiwan at War About the Worship of Koxinga

"Koxinga also threatened to invade the Philippines, then under Spanish rule, claiming Chinese rights on parts of them. The matter is understandably studied with great interest in the PRC today, due to the ongoing territorial conflict with the Philippines. Less emphasized is that the mastermind of Koxinga’s anti-Filipino policy was an Italian Dominican friar, Vittorio Riccio or Ricci (not to be confused with the Jesuit Matteo Ricci), who operated to further certain interests of the Catholic Church in the Philippines."

--- Doesn't matter. Some Chinese, some time in the past claimed some place. That makes this place automatically eternally Chinese.

"While secular studies of him were promoted, Koxinga’s religious worship in Fujian had long been repressed as a “feudal superstition.” However, today some temples are tolerated, mostly because they are useful to establish links with Koxinga worshippers in Taiwan."

--- Religious freedom with CCP characteristics.

"To complicate things further, during the Japanese occupation of Taiwan Koxinga was honored as Japanese. His mother was Japanese (while his father was from Fujian) and he was born in 1624 in Hirado, Japan"

--- Hush, hush! Don't mention Japan!


China increases coal mining to provide winter power

"China's mines increased production to 390 million tonnes, a record for the season in July 2024. This is up from 378 millions in the same period a year ago and 373 in 2022.
The summer has seen domestic miners increase their output to compensate for the relatively low production of the first five months.
The cumulative production for the year ended July was only 15 million tonnes below the same period one year ago, but the deficit has decreased from 54 million tons in the previous year.
Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, and Xinjiang - three of the top four provincial producers - have reported record season output so far in 2024. "

--- But - hey! - they have reduced the number of new construction permits for coal power plants. So, China really is an environmental champion.


UN says China’s ‘problematic’ policies in Xinjiang ongoing 2 years after report citing possible ‘crimes against humanity’

"OHCHR demanded that Chinese authorities “undertake a full review” of the legal requirements pertaining to national security and counter-terrorism, as well as guarding minorities against discrimination.It called for “tangible progress in the protection of human rights in China” as well as investigations into alleged violations, including torture."

--- Asking the CCP to investigate the CCP. What could go wrong?



Chinese rights attorney Yu Wensheng and his wife stand trial

China and the US will plan a Biden-Xi call in the coming weeks, the White House says

Ryan and Righ want to get married in Taiwan – they can’t because of China’s same-sex marriage ban



--- China Uncensored: "Bad Times for Xi Jinping"


--- CNA: "Uncertainty over China's ambitious gamble in cash-strapped Pakistan"


--- CNA: "US, China agree to hold video calls between their militaries"



Mehr Spuren von Cyberattacken führen nach China

"Verfassungsschutz-Vizepräsident Selen sagte, man müsse auch nicht die Mauern gegenüber China hochziehen und damit Kooperation und Handel einstellen. "Es geht schlichtweg darum, nicht nur die Chancen zu sehen, sondern auch die Risiken. Man muss den Partner China so einordnen, wie er nun mal ist." Es gebe eine enge Verzahnung staatlicher Institutionen mit den jeweiligen Partnern vor Ort. "Und daraus entstehen gewisse Risiken.""

--- Endlich sagt es mal jemand. Nicht, daß viele Firmen das auch tatsächlich realisieren.



Handel: EU und China wollen grenzüberschreitende Datenflüsse verbessern


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