China news roundup / Nachrichten 2024-09-03



Philippines says 200-plus Chinese vessels have clustered in its EEZ

"The Philippine military said Tuesday that it had monitored more than 200 Chinese vessels in several areas within Manila’s exclusive economic zone in the South China Sea during the past week alone
[...] Seventy-one Chinese vessels were monitored at Sabina Shoal, from Aug. 27 to Sept. 2, compared with 53 the previous week, officials said. The Chinese vessels comprised 53 maritime militia boats, nine Navy ships and nine Coast Guard vessels,"

--- Consider the Chinese tantrums whenever a single Western navy ship sails through the Taiwan Strait.


China-linked 'Spamouflage' network mimics Americans online to sway US political debate

"“One of the world's largest covert online influence operations — an operation run by Chinese state actors — has become more aggressive in its efforts to infiltrate and to sway U.S. political conversations ahead of the election,” Jack Stubbs, Graphika's chief intelligence officer, told The Associated Press
[...] China, however, has taken a more cautious, nuanced approach. Beijing sees little advantage in supporting one presidential candidate over the other, intelligence analysts say. Instead, China's disinformation efforts focus on campaign issues particularly important to Beijing — such as American policy toward Taiwan — while seeking to undermine confidence in elections, voting and the U.S. in general."

--- Makes sense, because they can't really know which administration would be better for China. It's reasonable to assume that Harris would continue Biden's policies, which are not too bad for China. But Trump is a total wild card. Therefore it's best for the CCP to just sit & wait.
Which does not mean that China is not running various influence operations in the USA:


New York governor's ex-aide charged as agent of China

"Linda Sun, 41, "acted at the order, direction, or request" of China during her 14-year state government career in return for millions of dollars, a federal indictment alleges. Her husband, Christopher Hu, is also accused of being a Chinese agent.
The couple were arrested at their $3.5m (£2.7m) Long Island home on Tuesday, months after it was raided as part of an FBI investigation.
Ms Sun was sacked nearly two years ago after the office of Ms Hochul, who became governor in 2021, discovered "evidence of misconduct" and reported it to the authorities.
[...] She is alleged to have blocked representatives of Taiwan's government from speaking to New York officials, provided unauthorised invitation letters to the US for Chinese officials and changed state officials' messaging about China."

--- Just the tip of the iceberg. China has probably operatives on almost all levels of the US bureaucracy.


China hits back at Canada EV tariffs with canola probe

"The move, which could lead to tariffs on a key Canadian export, came a week after Canada said it would impose new border taxes on Chinese-made electric vehicles, steel and aluminium."

--- As usual, China politicising trade. Unusually, there has not yet been a Chinese complaint about the other side doing so.


US Climate Envoy Podesta to Visit China From Wednesday for Talks

""China has chafed at pressure from the United States, European Union and other advanced economies to require contributions from emerging economies," Kate Logan, a climate expert at the Asia Society Policy Institute, said in an email.
Beijing's emissions are expected to peak much earlier than its pledged date "before 2030", giving it space to commit to substantial cuts by 2035.
China needs to cut emissions by at least 30% by 2035 to align with the Paris Agreement goal to keep temperature rises within 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit), research shows."

--- Which is virtually impossible, unless the Chinese economy implodes. Even though China has increased emissions drastically in recent years, so it is able to claim a reduction earlier than expected, I don't see how 30% could realistically be achieved. After all, they are still building a great number of new coal power plants.



Chinese police raid Early Rain church, detaining 4 leaders

School bus ploughs into crowd in China killing 11

China's mission to win African hearts with satellite TV



--- China Unscripted: "Why Leaders REALLY Go to War | Matt Turpin"


--- Bloomberg: US Allies Caught Up in Biden's Tech War With China

--- Bloomberg: Hong Kong Luxury Mall Almost Empty As Chinese Spending Plunges



China untersucht in Reaktion auf E-Auto-Zoll kanadische Rapsexporte

"Als Reaktion auf die von Kanada verhängten Strafzölle auf in China produzierte E-Autos hat Peking eine Anti-Dumping-Untersuchung zu Importen von kanadischem Raps eingeleitet."

--- Wie üblich leitet China total objektive Untersuchungen ein, wenn andere Länder auf völlig legitimes chinesisches Dumping mit bösartigen Schutzmaßnahmen reagieren.



Tote und Verletzte bei Busunfall in China

Umstieg auf Huaweis KI-Chips in China verzögert sich


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