China news roundup / Nachrichten 2024-10-26/27



China's Sept industrial profits post steepest fall of the year

"Profits in September fell 27.1% from a year earlier, following a 17.8% fall in August
[...] The slump in industrial profits in September was due to factors such as insufficient demand and a sharper decline in producer prices, and a significantly higher base of comparison since August"

--- Yeah, well, that recovery is really gaining momentum now.
(Too bad it's going in the wrong direction.)

"But recently unveiled policy measures will "foster a favourable environment for the production and operation of industrial enterprises, supporting the recovery and improvement of their profits", Wei said in a statement."

--- 'Everything is fine, nothing to worry. Just trust the CCP!'


Millions joined a livestream selling tickets to space on a Chinese rocket

"The tickets – priced at 1,000,000 yuan (around $140,000) for a roughly 12-minute trip to the edge of space on a spacecraft set to be launched by Deep Blue Aerospace in 2027 – sold out “immediately,”” "

--- Well, with exactly 2 tickets on offer, how long did they expect the sale to take?

"Deep Blue Aerospace’s reusable Nebula-1 rocket – slated to carry the company’s CEO and five others to space for the mission in three years – is still under development.
Last month, the rocket failed to complete a high-altitude vertical recovery test flight, the company said, with footage it released showing the vehicle crashing in its final phase. A new test is slated for next month, while the company has said it will ramp up testing in 2025 and 2026 to ensure the “safety and reliability of suborbital manned travel.” "

--- Just like in Chinese real estate, you pay for something that doesn't exist (yet?).


China vows to take ‘countermeasures’ over US and Taiwan $2bn arms deal

"China will take “countermeasures” to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity, the government said, lambasting a $2bn arms sale package by the United States to Taiwan."

--- Another round of sanctions incoming. Too bad that China has virtually no leverage against US weapons companies.


TSMC suspended shipments to China firm after chip found on Huawei processor, sources say

"Sophgo had ordered chips from TSMC that matched the one found on Huawei's Ascend 910B, the people said. Huawei is restricted from buying the technology to protect U.S. national security. Reuters could not determine how the chip ended up on the Huawei product.
Sophgo said in a statement on its website on Sunday that it was in compliance with all laws and had never engaged in any business relationship with Huawei. Sophgo, which is affiliated with cryptocurrency mining equipment company Bitmain, said it had provided a detailed investigation report to TSMC to prove that it was not related to Huawei.
[...] Shenzhen-based Huawei said in a statement on Tuesday it has not produced any chips via TSMC after the U.S. imposed new export rules on the company in 2020."

--- Absolutely nothing happened. Absolutely no one was involved. It was a miracle. A miracle, I say!



State alien land laws drive some China-born US citizens to rethink their politics (Will the AP also write an article about similar stricter laws in China?)

How a Chinese high-school student left home for a new life in Italy



--- China Uncensored: "Kamala Harris Ally's SHOCKING Ties to CCP"



Taiwan soll neue US-Waffenlieferungen erhalten: China kündigt Konsequenzen an

"China hat nach der Bewilligung von US-Waffenlieferungen in Höhe von zwei Milliarden Dollar (1,85 Milliarden Euro) an Taiwan „Konsequenzen“ angekündigt. Chinesische Souveränität und Sicherheitsinteressen würden durch das Paket „ernsthaft verletzt“, hieß es am Samstagabend aus dem Pekinger Außenministerium. Außerdem würden die chinesisch-amerikanischen Beziehungen und der „Frieden und die Stabilität“ in der Straße von Taiwan durch die Waffenlieferungen gefährdet. Die chinesische Regierung werde „alle notwendigen Schritte zur Verteidigung der nationalen Souveränität, Sicherheit und territorialen Integrität unternehmen“, hieß es weiter. Details wurden nicht genannt."

--- Weil es da auch nicht viel geben wird. Gähn. (Aber in deutschen Medien wird der chinesische Ärger natürlich breitgetreten.)


Aktienmarkt in China: Ein Glücksspiel, in dem Reichtümer neu verteilt werden

"Die lockere Geldpolitik entwertet jetzt die Ersparnisse chinesischer Familien, und der verrückte Aktienmarkt ist ein reines Glücksspiel"

--- So sieht's aus. Endlich sagt's mal jemand.



Offenbar Cyberangriffe auf Telefone von Trump und Vance


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