China news roundup / Nachrichten 2024-09-04



China Services Expansion Cools in New Sign of Economic Weakness

"The Caixin China services purchasing managers’ index fell to 51.6 in August, versus 52.1 the previous month, according to a statement released by Caixin and S&P Global on Wednesday. The median forecast of economists surveyed by Bloomberg was 51.8. Any reading above 50 suggests an expansion.
[...] The findings add to a picture of an economy at risk of stalling."

--- 'At risk of stalling'. Yeah, right. As if the Chinese economy has had any actual (real) growth recently.


'Chinese spy mayor' wanted by Philippines arrested

"China has not commented on the allegations against her."

--- Which is interesting. Usually, you would either see a flat-out denial of connections to the CCP, or - in case of actual criminals - some general statement about how Chinese citizens are supposed to follow local laws. I wonder why the CCP is silent now.


Malaysia to investigate leak of Chinese diplomatic note over South China Sea row

"The Philippine Daily Inquirer had published a diplomatic note in which Beijing reportedly demanded that Malaysia immediately halt all activities in an oil-rich maritime area off Sarawak state on Borneo island.
The report said China had accused Malaysia of encroaching on areas covered by its 10-dash line"

--- Why would Malaysia want this note to be hidden? Is the government embarrassed? Or afraid of the public's reaction to Chinese bullying?


China warns students against falling prey to ‘romance traps’ set by foreign intelligence agencies

"China’s state security agency on Wednesday warned students with access to sensitive information against falling for “handsome men” or “beautiful women” that might entice them to spy for foreign powers"

--- If you fall for ugly men or women, it's no problem, though.

"And it accused on Wednesday foreign intelligence agencies of deploying “romance traps” to lure Chinese students.
It said foreign spies were using job ads and even online dating to “lure and coerce” young students"

--- Job ads as romance traps? Must be some Chinese culture thingy...



After NY governor says China’s consul general was removed, State Department says ‘there was no expulsion action’

China: Re-detention of activist Zhang Zhan highlights Beijing’s intolerance of dissent

Trump’s and Harris’ differing proposals on Chinese tariffs

'No preaching' and other tactics as China woos African leaders

New Hong Kong immigration system barring ‘undesirables’ from boarding flights to city comes into effect



--- China Uncensored: "How Many More Americans Must China Kill?"


--- BBC News: "New York governor's ex-aide charged as Chinese spy"



Mehr Geschäft als Entwicklungshilfe

"So will China nun auch Investitionen in afrikanische Kohleenergie- und Ölförderprojekte verringern und dafür mehr grüne Energien fördern."

--- Weil man auch in diesem Bereich jetzt große Überkapazitäten aufgebaut hat & zusätzliche Abnehmer braucht.


Spionage: US-Beamtin wegen angeblicher Spionagetätigkeit für China angeklagt

"Linda Sun stieg in 14 Jahren bis zur stellvertretenden Stabschefin des Gouverneurs in New York auf. Doch den Angaben der Bundesanwaltschaft zufolge nutzte die 41-Jährige ihre Position, um China geheime Dokumente zuzuspielen"

--- China hat die Bürokratie in den USA schon stark unterwandert. Je größer die chinesischen Diaspora in einem Land, desto wahrscheinlicher ist eine derartige Unterwanderung.


China: Caixin-Dienstleisterstimmung trübt sich ein

"Trotz des Dämpfers bleibt der Indexwert über der sogenannten Expansionsschwelle von 50 Punkten, was auf eine Zunahme der wirtschaftlichen Aktivität hindeutet."

--- Auch hier gilt wieder: Chinesischen Zahlen ist nicht zu trauen. Die chinesische Wirtschaft stagniert bestenfalls.



SPD will Zollvorteile für chinesische Onlinehändler Temu und Shein kippen

China warnt Bürger vor „schönen“ Ausländern

Heidenheim: Kahlschlag bei Elektronikkonzern TDK


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