China news roundup / Nachrichten 2023-08-07



Deadly floods hit China’s major grain-producing region, fueling food security concerns

"The flooding of farmland has added to concerns about the potential impacts on food security
[...] Known as China’s granary, the three northeasternmost provinces – Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning – produce more than one fifth of the country’s grain output, thanks to the region’s fertile black earth.
[...] The devastation to the rice fields in northeast China came after heavy downpours in late May flooded Henan province, another major grain-growing region that produces about a third of the country’s wheat."

--- Not to worry! Emperor Xi will use his divine powers to turn water into rice.


China’s Pro-Growth Messaging Blitz Can Only Buoy Markets So Long

"China is swarming investors with near-daily
announcements of economic support, creating the impression authorities are going full steam to boost growth."

--- Only if you are as easily impressionable as Wall Street believers.

"In the near term, at least, Beijing is trying to juice the economy through its flurry of measures for boosting consumer spending, car purchases and property lending."

--- A flurry of announcements of planned or wanted measures, that is.

s.a.: Why China has few good options to boost its faltering economy


Is China’s economy turning Japanese?

"It is worth noting that China is actually a more pronounced version of Japan in important respects. China’s income per head is comparable to Mexico, its consumption per head no higher than Peru’s. In China, the consumption share of the economy is about 39 per cent, no higher than it was in 2000 and far lower than Japan’s share of 52 per cent in 1991."

--- A little reminder of where China economically actually is.

"China is unlikely to have a comparable banking crisis to Japan because the state-owned financial system will not allow significant banks to fail, and it can move assets and liabilities around the system for some time. China’s stringent controls over outflows of capital, which Japan never had, will also help to keep the country relatively immune, but not totally safe, from capital flight."

--- Oh, well, that is actually one area where Chinese are quite inventive: finding ways to get their money out of China.


Yuan loses core support as firms leave China

""FDI has historically not been a huge swing factor in the exchange rate's value, because you typically had surpluses of $50 to $100 billion a year," said Logan Wright, director of China Markets Research at analytics firm Rhodium Group.
"But when that swings to a deficit, which is where it is right now ... that's a pretty big adjustment."
Foreign direct investment (FDI) inflow slowed to less than $4.9 billion for the second quarter, while Chinese companies' investments abroad sent net direct investment to a record deficit of $34.1 billion, figures published last week by China's State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) showed."

--- Finally, some people in the West are waking up. But I wonder how that will look if (!) the CCP finally decides to invest in some actual stimulus.


China praises Ukraine talks in Saudi that Russia said were ‘doomed to fail’

"While the summit yielded little more than a pledge to hold more discussions in the future, Ukraine hailed China’s attendance as a diplomatic victory."

--- Phhh... Still quite naive, I see.

"Li “had extensive contact and communication with all parties on the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis … listened to all sides’ opinions and proposals, and further consolidated international consensus,” China’s foreign ministry told Reuters"

--- The consensus being: 'Peace would be nice, but we really don't care enough to actually pressure Russia.'

"There is no indication that China’s attendance at the summit will lead to any change in its staunch support for Russia"

--- Exactly.


HSBC executive sorry for saying UK 'weak' over China

"HSBC's head of public affairs has apologised after accusing the British government of being "weak" for complying with US demands to cut back business dealings with China.
[...] "I was speaking at a private event under Chatham House Rules and my personal comments do not reflect the views of HSBC or the China British Business Council. I apologise for any offence caused," Sir Sherard, who is also chairman of the China-Britain Business Council lobby group said
[...] Sir Sherard told the meeting that one example of the UK caving into US demands was when Britain banned Chinese telecoms giant Huawei from taking part in building the country's 5G mobile phone networks in 2020."

--- Quite funny, that, coming from a bank deeply kowtowing to China.



China funneled $17M into ‘Little Red Classrooms’ in US schools

Brick Lane Chinese Communist Party 'street art' spur debate on graffiti



--- China Uncensored: "Xi Jinping’s Paranoia CRIPPLES China’s Military"


--- BBC News: "New evidence of Uighur forced labour in China’s cotton industry"


--- WION: Gravitas: China's silent war on India and the role of Neville Roy Singham

--- WION: Gravitas: Chinese documentary showcasing ability to attack Taiwan



China consulate in Manchester needs to be punished for disrespecting China



Chinas Wirtschaft ist in einer Abwärtsspirale gefangen, die autoritären Regimen oft zum Verhängnis wird

"„Die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in autoritären Regimen folgt in der Regel einem vorhersehbaren Muster. Es gibt eine Wachstumsphase, in der das Regime politisch willfährige Unternehmen gedeihen lässt, die durch öffentliche Großzügigkeit genährt werden“, sagte er. Dabei verwies er auf Russland, Venezuela und die Türkei als weitere Beispiele.
„Sobald sich das Regime jedoch Unterstützung gesichert hat, beginnt es, auf immer willkürlichere Weise in die Wirtschaft einzugreifen. Schließlich beginnen Haushalte und kleine Unternehmen angesichts von Unsicherheit und Angst, Bargeldersparnisse illiquiden Investitionen vorzuziehen. Infolgedessen geht das Wachstum dauerhaft zurück.“"

--- Nur, daß sich die KPCh keine Unterstützung sichern mußte. Man sitzt von jeher fest im Sattel. Kaiser Xi glaubt allerdings in seinem Größenwahn, er könne China zu imperialer Größe führen & er allein wisse, was man dafür machen muß. Womit er China mit ziemlicher Sicherheit an die Wand fahren wird.


USA reagieren mit Kriegsschiffen auf Marinepatrouille von China und Russland

"Experten nennen das Manöver »höchst provokativ«.«"

--- Deutschland, deine Journaille. Ein (1!) Experte nannte das Ganze 'höchst provokativ'.

"Die amerikanischen Streitkräfte bestätigten den Vorgang: »Luft- und Seestreitkräfte unter unserem Kommando führten Operationen durch, um die Verteidigung der Vereinigten Staaten und Kanadas zu gewährleisten.«"

--- & was der Spiegel verschweigt: Es wurde auch gesagt, daß Chinesen & Russen in internationalen Gewässern blieben & keine Bedrohung darstellten. Grmpf.


Werden die Risse zwischen China und Russland tiefer? Xi geht neuen Schritt - Putin „besorgt“?

"Nun scheint China einen Schritt zu unternehmen, der zur Abwechslung einmal Moskau verärgern könnte. Denn das Land hat sich dazu entschieden, eine Delegation zur Ukraine-Friedenskonferenz nach Saudi-Arabien zu entsenden."

--- Deutschland, deine Journaille, Teil 2. Die FR zeigt mal wieder Expertise & riecht Feuer, wo nicht mal ein Streichholz liegt. Irgendjemand scheint bei der FR Halluzinationen zu haben: Ende der Freundschaft von Putin und Xi? China wird gegenüber Russland überraschend deutlich


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