China news roundup / Nachrichten 2023-02-10



High-altitude object shot down over Alaska, US says

"Spokesman John Kirby said the unmanned object was "the size of a small car" [...] travelling at 40,000ft (12,000m)"

--- So, this time probably an actual weather balloon. Although:

"Mr Kirby corrected a reporter who referred to it as a balloon"

--- But:

"Mr Kirby said the object did not appear to have the manoeuvrable capability like the Chinese balloon and seemed to be "virtually at the whim of the wind""

--- Sounds very much like it was a balloon.


The US says Xi didn’t know about the balloon. That raises even more questions

"Washington believes the balloon shot down over the Atlantic on Saturday is part of an extensive Chinese surveillance program – but that Xi Jinping, China’s most powerful leader in decades, may not have been aware of the mission"

--- Possible, but unlikely. Emperor Xi is obsessed with absolute control.

"The alternative in this scenario – that Xi was aware that a balloon was being dispatched over the United States ahead of a visit from US Secretary of State Antony Blinken to Beijing – would raise a separate set of concerns about China’s decision-making in relation to the US.
It could mean that Xi and his top advisers underestimated the potential gravity of the fallout of the mission and the possibility it could imperil Blinken’s visit"

--- But it's entirely unimaginable to CNN that emperor Xi deliberately had this balloon fly over the US to test Biden's resolve.

"some observers of elite Chinese politics remain skeptical that Xi would have been unaware of a balloon dispatched to US airspace or that lower-level officials would conduct such a mission that could impact US-China relations without his knowledge.
“Because of his personality, he wants 100% (control),” said Alfred Wu, an associate professor, also at the NUS Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy. “I don’t think Xi Jinping allows for that kind of autonomy.”"

--- That's how I see it.

China ‘spy balloon’ wakes up world to new era of war at edge of space

"Colombia’s air force confirmed the balloon’s existence the day after the overflight in a brief and ambiguous press release.
“The National Air Defense System detected an object above 55,000 feet in altitude, which entered Colombian airspace in the north of the country, with characteristics similar to those of a balloon,”"

--- Interesting, considering that CNN alleges that the USA only developed the ability to detect these balloons in the last couple of years: US developed method to track China’s spy balloon fleet within last year, sources say

"The US national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, has said that by repurposing intelligence and tracking capabilities, the US is now able to spot high-altitude balloons that it previously missed. But the rest of the world will not be able to match those capabilities"

--- Seems like Colombia already has this capability. & since they are usually way behind in technology, the USA should have been able to do the same at least 10 years ago. Someone here is lying.
s.a.: US adds 6 Chinese entities tied to balloon program to export blacklist


China seeks 'bold' steps to lift birth rate

"Speaking to a state-backed health magazine, Mr Yang said concerns about the cost of childcare were having a detrimental impact on population growth. He also identified challenges around money and career goals as causes for the decline.
"Local governments should be encouraged to actively explore and make bold innovations in reducing the cost of childbirth, childcare and education" to promote the long-term balanced development of the population, Mr Yang said. "

--- Well, money is usually just a rationalisation. The biggest effect on birth rate are overall societal wealth & education. So, the CCP probably has to learn a bit from their new buddies, the Taliban.


UK/EU: Investigate, Sanction Visiting Xinjiang Official

"The UK and EU’s response to Tuniyaz’s visit is an important test of their resolve to promote human rights in face of China’s charm offensive,” said Ahmed. “Their recent experience with Russia should have shown that failing to stand up to powerful dictatorships carries steep costs, a mistake that shouldn’t be repeated with China."

--- True.


The Many “One Chinas”: Multiple Approaches to Taiwan and China

"PRC officials are increasingly couching other states’ positions in terms of its “one China” principle, at times claiming that originally stated differences are new deviations from or infractions on earlier understandings. By fostering an impression of broad agreement, Beijing’s claims establish a sense of legitimacy and a seeming moral high ground from where Beijing can highlight what it sees as inconsistencies or even betrayal by others. Given its greater ability and willingness to press its case, Beijing has encountered limited international resistance.
[...] the 1979 U.S.-PRC Joint Communiqué announcing the establishment of official diplomatic ties states that the “Government of the United States of America acknowledges the Chinese position that there is one China and Taiwan is part of China.” The United States takes no official position on Taiwan’s sovereignty despite extending official diplomatic recognition to the PRC as the government of China. Similar to the 1972 Shanghai Communiqué, there is no U.S. recognition, endorsement, or support for the PRC view on Taiwan even if they choose not to challenge it. In fact, Washington and Beijing agreed to disagree at many points of the 1972 text."

--- Nice overview article about the worldwide varying views on China's 'One China Principle'.


Chinese families hit by adverse vaccine reactions call for government probe, aid

"Sickness and disability have been reported from a number of vaccines, including those for rabies, liver disease, AIDS and COVID-19 in recent years.
But there are considerable obstacles for anyone seeking redress or compensation.
"It's hard to get qualified medical experts to provide a more objective assessment of our group's diseases, because the government issued a directive in 2014 banning any individual or organization from diagnosing abnormal reactions to vaccines,""

--- Because only the CCP knows what's good for you! & if you get ill or even die after taking a CCP-approved vaccine, it must be your fault.


China Says Proposed U.S. Ban on Chinese Buying U.S. Property Violates Market Rules

""Generalizing the concept of national security and politicising economic, trade and investment issues violate the rules of market economy and international trade rules," spokesperson Mao Ning said at a regular press briefing."

--- Bold statement, considering that nobody can buy property in China at all. If you buy it, that means only that you are allowed to use it for 70 years.



UNESCO and its Members Must End Complicity in China’s Cultural Cleansing of Uyghurs

Subsea Cable Wars Heat Up as China Nixes Crucial Project

Translation: Sharp Eyes—A Year in Rural Surveillance



--- China Uncensored features the weekend news variety again:


--- DW News: "How Chinese firms trade with the Russian military despite Western sanctions"


--- PBS: "Pentagon holds news briefing as new information revealed on Chinese balloon"



US-Militär schießt "Flugobjekt" vor Alaska ab

"Nach vorläufigen Erkenntnissen sei das Flugobjekt deutlich kleiner als der vergangene Woche abgeschossenen [sic!] chinesische Ballon. "Es wurde mir so beschrieben, dass es ungefähr die Größe eines Kleinwagens hatte""

--- Also vermutlich ein Wetterballon. Angeblich könne das US-Militär derartige Flugobjekte erst seit einigen Jahren aufspüren. Dem widerspricht allerdings die Tatsache, daß das kolumbianische Militär behauptet, den dortigen Spionageballon mit eigenen Mitteln entdeckt zu haben. Denke nicht, daß man dort über die gleichen Fähigkeiten wie in den USA verfügt.


Nach Spionage-Warnung: Land prüft Ausschluss chinesischer Produkte

"Nach Spionagevorwürfen hat Australien angekündigt, hunderte Überwachungskameras chinesischer Hersteller von den eigenen Regierungsgebäuden abzumontieren. Nun wird auch das Finanzministerium Baden-Württembergs prüfen, ob chinesische Produkte in sensiblen und sicherheitsrelevanten Bereichen des Landes entfernt werden sollten. Ebenfalls werde geprüft, ob ein solcher Ausschluss überhaupt möglich sei."

--- Es wird geprüft. Immerhin, aber eigentlich sollten solche Prüfungen schon lange vorliegen & nicht nur in einem Bundesland, sondern überall.


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