China news roundup / Nachrichten 2023-02-20



China's Top Diplomat Urges End to Hostilities Ahead of Moscow Visit

""We would like a political solution to provide a peaceful and sustainable framework to Europe," Wang said
[...] "Let me echo what we have just heard (from you) and jointly declare to the world that China and Hungary gladly work together with other peace-loving countries to bring the current hostilities to a halt as soon as possible,""

--- Peace-loving like Russia, with which China really likes to co-operate.


China’s capital offers $6 monthly handout to offset inflation. The public says it’s not nearly enough

"According to the Beijing Municipal Commission of Development and Reform, the city’s economic regulator, more than 300,000 people on low incomes will each receive a cash payment of 40 yuan (about $6) per month."

--- 40 Yuan. Great help. If you are very careful that's enough to eat for 3 days.


Uncontacted tribes and an Indian military base. Did a ‘spy’ balloon snoop on the Andaman and Nicobar islands?

"to many onlookers, the silence from New Delhi on the matter has been as baffling as the balloon-like object was to the readers of the Andaman Sheekha.
“I think (the Indian) government is being silent about it for the simple fact that (it) was unable to do anything about it,” said Sushant Singh, a senior fellow at New Delhi-based think tank Center for Policy Research.
“If it were to say that a spy balloon was found over the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, which is seen as a great bastion of Indian sovereignty, it would show the government in a very poor light.”
[...] with a general election on the horizon in 2024, its leader Narendra Modi will be eager to look tough in the eyes of voters
[...] Acknowledging that a UFO – which may or may not have been spying – had floated above an archipelago that hosts a significant Indian military presence would compromise that message. "

--- Would fit into Indian behaviour surrounding Chinese encroachment at the land border. They're only acknowledging something happened after it has become public, anyway.


Booked a flight out of China? Police are likely to knock on your door

"Police in the central province of Hubei announced on Feb. 7 that non-emergency and non-essential travel to Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos, United Arab Emirates, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia and Turkey, among other countries, is now banned.
[...] "Official news is that going abroad is going to get harder in 2023," the post said. "This is due to the Telecommunications Fraud Law which took effect from Dec. 1. The law clearly stipulates [which departments] are responsible for managing overseas travel."
The post predicted that government departments “will probably allow the neighborhood committees to count whether residents can have passports or not, or even make them turn them in," the post said. "That would be the 'unified management of the documents' mentioned in the [law].""

--- All in the name of public security, of course.


'Don't Cross-breed with Americans': China Professor Suspended After Student Yells at Him for 'Worshipping West'

"A Chinese professor was suspended by his university after he gave a talk at school which prompted an outburst from a student who accused him of worshipping the west.
The incident was reported from Lujiang Middle School in Anhui province
[...] “He only has money in his eyes, thinks learning is just for money, worships the West and panders to overseas powers.”
“For what purpose do we study hard? It’s for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Do not cross-breed with Americans!”"

--- 60's vibes. Chinese 60's, that is.


At Job Fairs in China, Employers Are Thrifty, Applicants Timid

"In a country of 1.4 billion people, job fairs are one of the most efficient ways for employers and workers to connect."

--- How so?

"China's economy grew 3% last year, in one of its weakest performances in nearly half a century."

--- Did it? VOA just gives this as a statement of fact, although it's just a fantasy number made up by the CCP.



China provinces and Florida among the most climate-vulnerable regions in the world, analysis finds

Can a transnational legislative alliance challenge China?

US General Warns China Biggest Threat in Space



--- China Uncensored: "China’s Version of Communist "Democracy""


--- DW News: "US says China is considering providing Russia with weapons"



Social credit low? The CCP doxxes you at bus stops



China geht es nicht um die Ukraine

"Aus Peking kamen bislang keine Details zum Friedensplan. Und überhaupt: Staats- und Parteichef Xi Jinping, der sich mit Präsident Wladimir Putin grenzenlose Freundschaft geschworen hat, kann wohl kaum als neutraler Vermittler gelten. Bislang wirkt der chinesische Vorstoß daher eher wie ein Schachzug, mit dem China sich als Friedensstifter präsentieren, international sein Ansehen aufpolieren und die europäischen Handelspartner bei Laune halten will."

--- So sieht's aus.

"US-Außenminister Antony Blinkens Vorwürfen in Sachen mögliche chinesische Waffenlieferungen wiederum fehlen bislang konkrete Belege. Das ist nicht gut."

--- Nicht wirklich. Es dürfte wohl nur darum gehen, der KPCh klarzumachen, daß man sehr genau auf Chinas Finger schaut.
vgl.: China bestreitet geplante Waffenlieferungen



--- ZDF: Hinweise auf Umgehungshandel


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