China news roundup / Nachrichten 2023-02-11/12



US military shoots down another flying object over Lake Huron

"The US has shot down another unidentified flying object, this time over Lake Huron near the Canadian border, in what is the fourth such incident this month.
[...] The incident on Sunday is the third time in as many days that an unidentified high-altitude object has been shot down by American fighter jets."

--- Another one bites the dust...
Looks like the CCP is sending a bunch of actual weather balloons now, just to annoy (or maybe test) the USA.
But because China definitely needs to be in the victim role, there just has to be some evil incursion into Chinese airspace: Now China Says It Has Spotted a UFO

Chuck Schumer: Two more flying objects shot down were likely balloons

"While he didn't say specifically that the objects from Friday and Saturday were Chinese, Mr Schumer told ABC on Sunday that Beijing was likely using a "crew of balloons" that had "probably been all over the world"."

--- Which goes for the original spy balloon. The smaller ones showing up now seem to be very much directed at North America.

"Mr Schumer, who said he had been briefed by national security adviser Jake Sullivan, implied that suspected surveillance balloons had been in operation for years and that Congress should examine why it took so long for the US to find out about them.
"The bottom line is, until a few months ago we didn't know of these balloons - our intelligence and our military didn't know,""

--- Hmm, for what I remember, 'weather' balloons probably from China have been seen before. At least I think that I saw news reports back then.

"Out of an abundance of caution and at the recommendation of their militaries, President Biden and Prime Minister Trudeau authorised it to be taken down"

--- Interesting that appeaser-in-chief Trudeau dares to have probably Chinese balloons downed. But, well, he can hide behind the US' back (who did the shooting), while at home he can proudly say that he showed strength.
cf.: Schumer says Chinese ‘humiliated’ after three flying objects shot down


Grieving a daughter's Covid death in Wuhan - while being surveilled

"She had been under heavy surveillance since speaking to the media about losing her daughter to Covid.
She has been protesting on the streets, and has been trying to file a lawsuit against the government. She says she wants "an explanation""

--- The explanation is that the CCP doesn't care about normal people having problems or even dying, but it cares very much about people talking about problems.


China and Greece sign shipping finance deal

"Greece’s Deputy Minister of Maritime Affairs and Island Policy Kostas Katsafados told the event the agreement “will further strengthen the relations of the countries in the financing sector.”"

--- Ie.: Strengthen Greek dependence on China.

"In recent decades, Greece and China have built a strong complementary relationship based on the sea."

--- Complementary as in Greece doing the buying & China doing the selling.



Cambodia and China shore up ties with new agreements



--- China Uncensored: "China Is Doing Way Worse Things than a Chinese Spy Balloon…"


--- Sky News (AUS): "China is 'flexing' muscle by probing US airspace with 'spy balloon' technology"



Chinese rescue teams in Turkey have the proper priorities



Drei abgeschossene Flugobjekte in acht Tagen

"Es war der dritte Vorfall innerhalb von acht Tagen, als der kanadische Premierminister Justin Trudeau am frühen Samstagabend bekanntgab, das amerikanische Militär habe ein weiteres Flugobjekt abgeschossen – diesmal auf seinen Befehl hin über Kanada."

--- Am Sonntag gab es den 4. Abschuß. Sieht so aus, als habe sich China entschieden, die USA jetzt mit einer Reihe von Wetterballons zu ärgern. Interessant, daß auch Trudeau mit solchen Abschüssen einverstanden ist. Der hat normalerweise Angst, Kaiser Xi zu verärgern.

Auch China meldet unbekanntes Flugobjekt

"Die staatliche Tageszeitung "Global Times", aber auch die "South China Morning Post" aus Hongkong berichten unter Berufung auf eine örtliche Schifffahrtsbehörde berichtet, dass das rätselhafte Flugobjekt vor den Gewässern der bezirksfreien Stadt Rizhao in der Provinz Shandong gesichtet wurde."

--- Denn man muß ja zeigen, daß China hier das wahre Opfer ist.


Haldenwang warnt vor Spionage aus China

"So rücke seit einigen Jahren auch die Ausspähung von Politik ins Visier, so Haldenwang. Früher habe der Fokus auf Wirtschaftsspionage gelegen. Aus wirtschaftlichen Abhängigkeiten könne auch eine politische Einflussnahme entstehen.
Chinas Strategie sei langfristig angelegt: "Die politische Führung setzt ihre wirtschaftliche Macht - die sich auch aus intensiven Beziehungen zur deutschen und europäischen Wirtschaft ergibt - bereits zur Umsetzung politischer Ziele ein""

--- Wer hätte das gedacht? So eine Überraschung aber auch ...
Scholz mittlerweile: "Hä? Was? Wie? Sorry, ich hör nix. Ich seh auch nix. & jetzt sach ich auch nix mehr!"



Eine Stadt erwacht aus dem Corona-Albtraum


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