Facial Recognition Technology In China

hey everybody i is interested in China so here's an article I laughed when I saw this article this morning so facial recognition so again this is not about cryptocurrency but listen facial recognition triggers nationwide debate and immediately I thought of a project that full disclosure I've said it before that I'm invested in the key so this is not financial advice

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I just find it interesting that this article does not mint does not mention the key but let me just read a little bit from this article from China daily.com so there's a picture of these two women standing in front of like a screen and it says a visitor tries 3d facial recognition technology on Tuesday at light of the Internet Expo at the six world internet conference in China it says a province but I can't pronounce it so people in that province the capital of Henan province now can use the subway the subway system through facial recognition introduced in September facial recognition is available to passengers who link with their online payment systems to the subways smartphone app however one traveler fengyi 25 who also works for a tourism company in the city voice is concerned I feel uncomfortable because I don't know why the company is using my facial details or whether they will be lead so here's the cool part and this article may be longer than three four or five minutes so I'm going to put link number one is going to be China daily.com that is going to be this article about facial recognition and let me just read you and then tell a cool story that I think that you're gonna enjoy so this is from the keys website it's th e ke Y dot d IP the key dot VIP a decentralized ecosystem of an identity verification tool using big national data and blockchain the key project team is now developing an identification verification tool with blockchain based dynamic multi-dimensional identification by using personally identifiable information which is exclusively authorized by the government the key is a decentralized ecosystem of identity verification tool using national big data and blockchain so here's not the funny pirate bud so my friend told me about the key I don't want to waste your time it's like zero zero one it's like cheap okay but so my friend told me about two the key and about a week later we had a friend and I've talked to you about I've got friends in China and I've got friends in Hong Kong one of my friends of mrs. she visits us from Hong Kong and I told my friend that told me about the Kea Mike

I'm going to ask her about facial recognition devices in Hong Kong and China so she came over and spent the week in our city and you know we had her over a few times and you know her English is very good by the way so I said to her I said what do you know about facial recognition devices and she's like oh they're all over I'm like well what do you mean and she said China I'm sorry Hong Kong is pushing back on China to have any facial recognition devices in Hong Kong so in China which once again for those of you that don't know it's a communist country right so they like to keep tabs on you in China you have oh I should add a little more research before I did this article it's like a social not social I get like it's like a credit no you like in the United States you guys are we have like a credit score in China they have like a social credit score how nice you are if you disobey the police if you're caught speeding right and they've got a bazillion cameras in China believe me they have a billion cameras and recording stuff in China so the key is somewhat backed by the government again not financial advice and so when I saw this article on China Daily comment like that's the key basically but didn't say that in the article but and get a load of this so you have like a social credit score well let's say that you're not a good citizen okay and you go to buy an airplane ticket they're gonna add a fee on to that or they may not let you fly at all cuz you have a low credit score because they want you they china want you to be good citizens they want you to obey the law stay in line identity verification facial recognition and our friend Katherine said that in some little towns right I didn't know how to UM say let's say that you know you got a lot of parking tickets or something I don't know how to say it or you were caught jaywalking or you know drunk driving or something I'd like a video screen in some of the main towns they have your picture right that they would have taken when you did the offense right and you get shamed by the people in the village it's crazy so China they like to keep the citizens in line if you know what I mean

so anyhow this article is interesting it may not be interesting to you but facial recognition so then our friend Katherine said oh yeah we know tons of people in China that the facial recognition huge industry going on the blockchain for sure and the people of Hong Kong apart from all the rioters and protestors that's going on the people of Hong Kong do not want facial recognition coming over the border for lack of a better word into Hong Kong so anyhow you know what I am gonna look up the price of the key hang on I think it's point Oh either two zeros one or three zeros 1.001 for two 3.00 one for two-three anyhow you may want to take a look at it not financial advice but I just thought it was interesting when I saw this article or this yeah this article about facial recognition devices

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