It would seem that such a simple question, but who immediately can answer it? Toys are needed for a child for various purposes. The simplest and the very first is fun and interesting to spend time playing, having fun. And what gives such a game for the child? In fact, a lot of new and useful.
Developing imagination
Let your child and not become a poet or writer, when he grows up, but a person needs a fantasy not only for this. It is closely connected with spatial thinking, logic, creativity. It needs to be developed so that, roughly speaking, when reading a book, you understand what you are reading about, represent these events. So that you can think of what to cook for dinner so that you can come up with a name for your cat and many other simple things that a person should perform.
We accumulate images

with cubes, the child touches this shape, the material from which the object was created, he sees a bunny, drawn on a cube with a letter

"Z". Why is this all? And for your child to be able to distinguish objects and things in the real world. Animals by their appearance,

in the image that once formed in my head. If you ever see a horse, then in the future, hearing this word, you will represent this particular creature with four legs, hooves, head, tail. If you never show this animal even in the picture, you imagine anything, but it's unlikely to be like a real horse or at least a pony.

Develop tactile skills
Touching a variety of subjects, the child receives various tactile sensations, he already understands that slippery, that rough, that soft, and that hard. He takes in the handles various figures, parts from the designer, trains his motor skills of the hands. A well-developed motor skills is an opportunity to keep

in the hands of objects, the ability to button up buttons, tie laces, hold a spoon and fork.
Here's how many useful skills give different toys to children. And this is not the whole list of positive properties that they have.

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