Should I or shouldn’t I

Yesterday we had taken @landonator to this new play place. It was filled with lots of things to climb, big slides and everything a little boy would love.

I found myself being the typical “mom”. Watching his every move, making sure he was having fun but at the same time making sure he did not get hurt. As I sat and watched how much fun he was having I was thinking it was nice to be invited to a new place to take him to let loose and be a little boy.

He is three the end of May. So, naturally I still watch out for his high energy, careless approach. Well, time went on and he was still having a lot of fun. So as I sit and watch I notice a child twice his size picking on him. I admit I did get annoyed at this because I am watching my child like I am suppose to making sure he does not misbehave with other children as I should.

I found myself sitting there looking for the parent of this child because I was going to ask them to speak with their child about the behaviour with my child and let them know I would like it to stop. This became quickly frustrating because I cannot speak French and I live in Quebec. Well when you cannot speak the language how do you communicate. I knew enough to say, “ you talk to your child. Not acceptable to touch mine and do not touch my child.” I know this sounds bad but that is all I could really say.

As I am sitting there looking for his mom and dad I look up and this child grabbed my two foot child by the shoulders and pushed him into one of the toys. Well, I was not having that. I could see the struggle my son was having trying to get this “bully” to stop. I say bully because that is what it reminded me of. A child twice the size of mine and probably 5 or 6 years old was being a bully to my child.

Off I went to climb up this amazing toy for kids to check on my little guy and make sure he was okay. By the time I got there @landonator was okay. During this whole ordeal not once do I see or hear his mom or dad correcting the behaviour of their child.

All I could have done was ask was if his mom and dad were there and where so I could speak with them. But no, the child was gone. His mom and dad still nowhere to be seen. Landon decided to move enclosures which was nice because the child was not there and he still really enjoyed himself. I believe he is too young to understand what happened but it does not mean that he should have to get “used” to that sort of thing happening.

I find I decided to write about this because I will not stand for someone picking on my child and I would expect that my child would not pick on someone else’s. Should this situation happen where my child does the picking I would want to be informed of these actions, not left to think that my child does not behave that way.

I would like to think if behaviour was caught and corrected right away maybe it would iliminate the problems that children find themselves dealing with now a days. Maybe I am wrong but maybe I am not. I will never know for sure, I can just do right by my own child and hope that others are not so close minded if you approach them to advise of a situation.

We all have that, “my little Johnny or Susie wouldn’t do that” attitude. But the truth is maybe they would and we are the means to correct it.

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