How to make my children smart

How to make my children smart

Most of the mother's attention is always focused on trying to raise her child to reach the maximum stages and degrees, and mothers are always competing with each other in the education of their children, as child education is the title of his mother, and the most important things that the mother is trying to strive to improve is intelligence, where That intelligence means the success of the child and get the highest grades, and the smart child awaits a very bright future, and intelligence requires not only the intelligence in the study and get high grades, but also the improvement in his career and deal with others wisely and steadfastly.

Studies have shown that the intelligence of the child is closely related to breastfeeding. A child who has enough breastfeeding will have a very high intelligence rate, and the mother can see this very clearly in her baby since the early months of life. There are signs that clearly indicate that the child is very intelligent and start to appear on the child after the first year, since the child is able to distinguish between different things and colors, this is the first steps to get a smart child is attention to the rate of breastfeeding the child.

The mother can also develop the intelligence of her child by playing with him useful games with the ability to develop his intelligence, which is the most important solution puzzles and puzzles, as it works to stimulate the brain greatly and the development of intelligence, and the mother's involvement with her child in play has the ability to influence significantly On the child's psyche and his comprehension of things.

Developing self-confidence is the biggest step to getting a very intelligent child. A child with a shaky personality and no confidence can be intelligent, and his intelligence will reflect negatively on him through a state of isolation, frustration and unwillingness to mix with others.

The mother can take care of the quality of the food provided to the child, as there are many foods help to lighten the brain and stimulate memory, and the most important foods that can increase the intelligence of the child add saffron to a cup of warm milk in the morning, and white chocolate is very excellent For children and the development of their intelligence. The mother must start consulting her child after he reaches the age of two, since the child's awareness begins to grow.

The mother must increase this by consulting him in his clothes and games and not imposing control over her child. He must stop giving orders and open up room for thinking. And to make the right decisions, and after reaching the age of four and five can be consulted in matters greater than clothes and games and start to take a view on the house in general.

By: Omar Zaindin

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